Reviews from

in the past

this is a step in the right direction for pokemon as far as breaking up the formula. i was lucky enough to have minimal glitches in my playthrough, but i understand how it could ruin the experience for others. there's also no excuse for the stinky looking environments, but overall i do think the good outweighs the bad. if they polish and expand on what gen 9 did well, i have faith that pokemon could become a great JRPG series!!


I think this game is fun. I enjoyed it a lot. The story is (I think) one of the best that Pokemon has ever done, and my favorite game is Pokemon Black & White.

At the same time, this game is also graphically broken and has so many game breaking bugs that I cannot believe that it made it out of quality control & that it didn't receive more patches to improve performance since it came out. So you win some and you lose some.

I understand that it's poorly optimised and the graphics are sub-par, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this game a lot.

I really had fun with this one and I feel to me this is the best main Pokemon game since Gen V.

The open world and the objectives in it were good and well implemented, the Pokedex is quite expansive which makes team building full of good options.

The story this time around is actually pretty good and a vast improvement over S&S's, with a few good plot twists here and there and well developed characters.

It's overall a great time that is only hindered by its technical issues and glitches and by having the most obnoxious rival in the series (Nemona)

This game was so close to being good

Idk man I didn't get that many bugs

It’s a technical disaster and it isn’t polished at all and yadda, yadda, yadda but I genuinely enjoy playing it, so I cannot give it any lower than a 3/5 this is the kind of stranglehold Pokémon has on you.

Apesar dos problemas, foi meu primeiro (e único) Pokémon de switch, então eu tenho um carinho bem grande

This game was such a let down. Some parts were decent but in the end this ain’t for me.

If it wasn't for bad performance issues, this would be a 5 star game. I love it, in spite of it's obvious flaws.

Complicado porque o jogo é bom, muito bom na verdade e resgata muito da essência e exploração de Pokémon que tinha se perdido desde XY mas infelizmente a performance ruim e gráficos horríveis (principalmente) tiram o brilho desse jogo, no mais eu recomendo apesar de tudo e já vá jogar esperando por esses problemas técnicos.

Some of the pokemon designs here are fucking excellent. The story actually displays some level of competency in terms of utilizing, get this, CHARACTERS. They're basic, but they actually have like, arcs. It tells a story. However, man, this game's open world fucking sucks. It is so boring, and so pointless. It's a waste of time. It's ugly, it runs like trash, it is genuinely not worth engaging with the open world.

This game saves its hand for Area Zero, which I think is the most interested in Pokemon I've been since Gen 5. Everything about Area Zero is fantastic--the presentation, the dialogue, the fact that you have a party, the ways its brighter below the fog barrier than it is above it, the music, and the pokemon you find there. The AI professor at the end of the game is a fantastic boss fight too. Excellent stuff all around. It's a shame you have to slog through like twenty hours of a completely meaningless open world to get to it.

30 dollars for the DLC was too much also. No fucking chance I'm playing that shit for more of this game's mid ass open world.

Barely worth playing, and only for the huge peak that is Area Zero. otherwise a dreadful experience. the battle gimmick, however, was actually pretty cool, and shows a level of design competency far greater than any of the previous gimmicks. Such a shame it makes the game run even worse.

The game manages to be everything it should not be:
Ugly, slow and bugged.
I'll give credit where credit is due, the world has some interesting aspects and the final area of the game is my favorite place in any pokemon game. The story is pretty good here too and they took a lot of risks.
On the other hand, the game has barely any content. Once you finish the main story you have about 3 hours of gameplay remaining, tops, the rest is grinding.
The game will inevitably crash, run at <20 FPS frequently, has a lot of visual bugs and overall looks really bad.
Truth is, this game is unfinished, and will never be fixed, unlike Cyberpunk 2077. Had it stayed in the oven for a year or so, it could easily be the best Pokemon game ever, but it has so many flaws that it is barely playable in my opinion.

I can't really explain what it is about these that I don't love. I remember enjoying when I played it, and I completed the dex and everything, but for some reason it just didn't stick with me. The new Pokémon are cool, the region is fine, and terrestrialization is a much better mechanic than I expected. But it's just forgettable to me, I didn't retain much about the story or content outside of certain cool mons. Maybe replaying I will enjoy them more, but nothing is really given to motivate a replay. I'm sure I'll revisit them at some point, I'm still excited for what's to come with Legends Z-A. Gen V remakes for Switch please.

Less concerned about bugs (I unfortunately encountered very few) and more upset about just how awful everything looks. Its just so damn ugly all the time.

It plays fine. I don't like that they removed set mode, obligatory exp share complaint, etc. But the real bummer for me is there not being a Battle Tower type thing, at least in the base game. Making teams for trainer battles is a lot more fun and interesting to me than this raid format Game Freak has been insisting upon recently.