Reviews from

in the past

Very very good VN, it surprised me with its writing, characters, music, story.
I know, I know, the ending is controversial, but personally this doesn't bring down the whole game with it nor makes it useless after all, the journey I took far exceeds whatever happened at the end. Not like I heavily disliked the ending anyway, it was just ok.
I would say this is very much worth the time still!

its a shame this game is unfinished and never had a proper end to it am i right fellas wink

A game that I deeply enjoyed but can't truly recommend.

It has... problems. It fumbles it's ending so so bad. It's really weird about teenagers and romance. It doesn't make good on the promises of what it's choice and flow chart system should mean.

And yet. And yet.

I still had a blast playing it. I think this game is really carried by it's protagonist - I'd say he's a mix of Sigma Klim and Battler Ushiromiya, with some of his own insanity bundled in. His charisma really carries the game, even in its weakest moments. えっと...

Also, this game goes above and beyond with its new game +. Literally so much fun getting to go back through with revelations mode on and seeing the inner dialogue of other characters.

Very good until you reach the ending, THAT thing photonically sucks.