Reviews from

in the past

nostalgia got me rating this a 5

DOO DOO DO DO DOOOOO nao sai da minha cabeça nunca

Rayman is actually as good as your nostalgia glasses remember Crash being

the music levels are fire

Rayman really is a Legend. s

Goofy Silly Baby game for when me and my siblings were Goofy Silly Babies.

a great sequel to origins, the game looks even prettier then before and all the levels are extremely solid. the controls are even tighter than before and it feels extremely buttery smooth to just dash through all the levels. i do feel it's a smidge weaker than origins just because i like how the levels were structured more in origins and i like how all the levels were connected in that game aswell. origins also has a lot of nostalgic value for me soooo...

Meu jogo de plataforma favorito. Arte belíssima, gameplay extremamente divertida, variedade de bosses e mecânicas, fases musicais incríveis. Um EXCELENTE jogo. Já rejoguei diversas vezes e as vezes entro no jogo só para jogar algumas de suas várias fases memoráveis.

Worth it for the musical stages alone

No tengo muchos recuerdos de este juego excepto que visualmente era increíble pero que se me hizo repetitivo a la larga.

Rayman, I'm sorry I neglected you.
Oh, I never expected you to run away and leave me feeling this empty.
Your "YEAH" right now would sound like music to me.
Please come home, 'cause I miss you, Raymany.
(Rayman, come home)
Rayman, come home
(Rayman, come home)
Rayman, come home

adoro esse jogo em todos os aspectos, época em que a ubisoft fazia os jogos com amor, trilha sonora empolgante, as fases de corrida tem as melhores músicas. Sobre a gameplay, os controles são muito bons e o level design colabora muito nisso, os elementos do jogo vão sendo adicionado gradualmente o que dá uma sensação de progressão muito boa pro jogo.

Terminei a campanha principal, fiz algumas missões de corrida e todas as fases musicais (pra mim essas são o charme do jogo). Recomendo

this deserved more love, care, justice and support.

Unquestionably my favorite 2D platformer of all time and the gold standard I will hold the genre to forever. Each time I play this is better than the last, but now that I have a much better understanding of game design and mechanics it’s even crazier to appreciate.

The controls of this game, just like its predecessor, are perfect. It’s so easy to get into a flow state and feels so good to seamlessly weave between different speeds depending on the situation. The invasion levels and devilishly addicting Challenges mode only further encourage you to master controlling your momentum in this game, and so you do, and the entire playthrough experience turns into this incredible wave of motion that’s impossible to put down. It’s enrapturing.

The level design is the best I’ve ever seen from the genre and I don’t say that lightly. It’s been years since I last played and I still remembered every single one of these vividly. They start simple enough but still provide you with fantastic opportunities to get a good flow going, while also tempting your curiosity in a very natural way with very well placed Teensies. But as the game evolves, the levels become more and more involved, stages become so chaotic here with the amount of stuff happening on screen, and clearly the designers knew how fun it is to go fast in this game because there are so many sections where you’re made to gun it through an obstacle course at top speed, it’s always exhilarating.

The evolution of level themes is also pretty outstanding, it’s a far cry from the more generic level themes of most platformers. It starts with relatively simple yet still unique feeling medieval forests and fantastical swamps before catapulting you into a wildly over the top celebration of Mexican culture, an underwater high-tech spy operation, and a trip through Olympus that eventually takes you into the depths of hell. It’s fascinating to let the game take you on a ride, and that’s ignoring how memorable all of the individual levels are!

Enough people have gushed about how incredible The Mysterious Floating Island is, but that same level design philosophy of guiding you through the world in an interesting and wordless way is present from the first level all the way through the final world. It is mildly annoying that the devs opted for a Mario 64-esque painting level select screen as opposed to a more connected world map, but it’s hard to care too much when the level design itself connects each area better than a dotted line on a map ever could.

All of this without even mentioning the music levels, the fact that a large chunk of stages from Origins are unlockable in game, and the genuinely absurd final optional world that has some of the craziest levels in the history of games as a medium… yeah it’s peak

Provavelmente o jogo que mais zerei na vida. Os controles são muito responsivos e o design das fases proporciona uma gameplay muito fluida e satisfatória. Se você tiver a oportunidade de aprender algumas técnicas de speedrun, eu recomendo bastante, já que deixa o jogo 1000x mais interessante.

Now THIS is a platformer. The music levels are forever engrained in my mind.

Solamente recuerdo que jugué bastante pero ya

Сиквел Rayman Origins. Настолько же потрясный, как и предшественник. В коопе вообще пушка. Но ждите хардкора на некоторых уровнях, особенно последних. Есть специальные "картины", которые отсылают к уровням из Origins, поэтому по сути первая часть есть в этой: по мере прохождения уровней основной игры выпадает возможность открыть по очереди все уровни из Origins, что мегашикарно, как по мне.
Жаль, что Ubisoft даже не намекает на продолжение. С её количеством сотрудников можно ежегодно было бы выпускать такие небольшие платформеры, которые бы с лихвой окупались

rayman outdone themselves here

A game so good it includes the game before it

This is the best 2D platformer not made by Nintendo.

los niveles musicales son obra maestra del gaming

A long haul trophy list for sure. Cleared the main game and Origins bonus levels pretty quickly only to realize that in order to reach max level, one must play daily and weekly challenges for MONTHS. It's a very fun game but it takes dedication to 100%.

That said, if you're not trophy hungry you can play the main game and have a blast. The music levels alone are worth the trip.

decent game but origins better