Reviews from

in the past

How did no one on the dev team stop this from happening

Who gave this MF a gun and thought: " Yeah let him kill the president!" ?

This game does NOT slap (start of the dark age of sonic)

i don't know how to feel about this game

Big meh spin off even for fun, good concept tho. You don't need to play it tho but if you wanna, give it a go

game has so much sauce with its music and surprisingly the gameplay it just really falls apart with its branching pathways and the dreadful repetition that it leads to. also some of the mission objectives are flat out not fun.

final boss was kino.

Vaya desastre de juego, con una historia que no tiene sentido por tantas rutas, finales mediocres y hasta ridículos, jugabilidad torpe e incómoda, misiones tediosas y varios errores de programación; Shadow merecía algo mejor que esto...

Better than Sonic Adventure 1 but not as good as Sonic Adventure 2

arma porrada bomba cigarros shadow carros

o jogo mais másculo que já existiu pra criançada

Guns in a sonic game is so crazy to me

finishing this game i think i deserve thr title ultimate life form wtf was that

a great simulator of every day new york city

Look it's not THAT bad. Yeah, it's overly edgy and the writing is pretty awful but like, isn't that part of its charm? The gameplay itself I think is actually pretty fun including the guns. It also wraps up the overarching story from Adventure 2 and Heroes so that's nice. Seriously though as long as you really only consider going for one or two endings here you'll have a good time. If you want to 100% it though? maybe a lower rating is appropriate.

Edgy as hell, loved it as a kid blah blah blah I'm sorry when the hell was this game on ps3?

Wheres that DAMN fourth chaos emerald??

shin megami tensei if it was awesome

While I did finish nearly the whole game, I never finished each final stage due to being gatekept by the worst level in the game. The soundtrack does slap though, I will give it that.

this game is like really fun and i like it alot and its way better than heroes

Boy they really hit rock bottom with this one. It's gonna be a downward spiral all the way from here.

People shit on this game a lot and the criticisms are more than well deserved. This game is a steaming pile of shit no matter how you look at it.

You want to talk about the characters and plot? The characters are super edgy and cringe in this game, with worst offender being our protagonist Edgy the hedgy. Literally none of them are even close to being likeable. The plot also makes no sense whatsoever. You can go the hero route and have Shadow become evil at the very end just because. Also, none of what you do in the main game matters anyway. All of your action is gonna get retconned in the "Last Story" part so brace yourself for that.

The level designs in this game is absolutely fucking hot garbage. I have never seen such a terrible progression system implemented in a 3D platforming game. The hero/dark path makes no sense whatsoever and some missions like the perfect chaos hunt in hero side makes me wanna chop both of my hands off. The game is also very consistent at being terrible as I literally liked none of the levels within this game. Oh did I mention? In order to unlock the last story you need to play ALL endings, which will pretty much require you to play Westopolis so many times you will memorize it better than the layout to your own house.

The controls also sucks ass. The movement somehow got even more slippery than in Sonic Heroes. You can barely control Shadow as he go left and right and often will charge into pits because the game literally couldn't handle Shadow's speed. And please don't bother even try the vehicles. They are somehow the polar opposite of Shadow's control - extremely clunky and slow. The existed just to make Shadow seem more edgy.

Speaking of edgy, guns. The guns are the only functional components within this god forsaken game. The auto aim is always very reliable. Unlike what some people on the internet chose to believe, you absolutely needed guns to get through the game as each bullet pretty much does the same damage as one homing attack. Later enemies and bosses will require several magazines to be brought down and your pesky homing attack simply won't suffice.

I think enough has been said. This is a very disappointing game from Sonic Team and deserves all the hate it got. Shadow is my favorite character in the Sonic franchise. So I particularly hate this miserable game as it tortured me so hard and caused irreversible damage to Shadow's portrayal in the Sonic series from here onwards. You deserve better and you should not play this game at all.

This is the tombstone for all Sonic games past this point(except Generations). If you played Adventure 1 & 2 then you could see how Sega was slowly taking the Sonic franchise into a darker and grittier area. This is the culmination of that idea and it is just as cringe as you would expect. I can’t imagine why anyone in this day and age would want to play this. If it’s for the novelty then let me tell you, it’s not a “So bad it’s good” kind of game, it’s just painful overly edgy cringe. What a joke

gunshot noises

having to play through it at least ten times is awful game design WHY

You play both sides and get revealed as an NPC, truly ahead of its time

this is not that good of a game. its kinda buggy as hell but there is SO MUCH to do and its so fun to me. idk its epic

He's carrying a fucking gun.

This game is goated and I will die on this DAMN HILL