Reviews from

in the past

DLC is 19 times better than the base game Xd the base itself is 3.8/10 it doesn't suit my tastes, the levels are small, few camera angles [it's a pity that there is no free movement of it], a big minus is also the time as if to remove the camera angles and give it free to use and enlarge the levels the game would be 8/10 DLC plot very good is funny and easy to understand When it comes to mechanics, it's the same as in Odyssey/base game, but a little better movement is simply better Desing levels are honey I love them xD AI is ok and as a game for younger people it is very good and adequate The DLC is long and it's a big plus because it takes about 14 hours and it took me another 5 hours to get to 100% It's like this The stand does not differ from the original except for the resolution I rate the base at 3.8/10 max 4/10 and I rate the DLC 10/10

dlc jest 19 razy lepsze od podstawki
sama podstawka jest 3,8/10
nie trafia w moje gusta levele są małe mało kątów kamery [szkoda że nie ma swobodnego poruszania nią] duży minus to też czas
jakby usunąć kąty kamery
i dać swobodne pourszanie nią
oraz powiększyć levele gra była by 8/10
DLC fabuła bardzo dobra jest śmieszna i prosta w zrozumieniu
jak chodzi o mechaniki to to jest to samo co w odyssey/podstawce ale troch lepiej
movement jest lepszy po prostu
desing leveli jest miodzio kocham je xd
ai jest ok a jak gre dla młodszych jest bardzo dobre i adekwatne
dlc jest długie i to duży plus
bo trwa aż około 14h a przejści na 100% zajeło mi z kolejne 5h
to tak
podstawka nie różni sie niczym od oryginału oprócz rozdzielczości
oceniam podstawke na 3,8/10 max 4/10
a dlc oceniam na 10/10

Works so well on the switch and the increased movement speed and generally just better feeling gameplay ascends this game from a 9 out of 10 to an absolute 10 a lovely game with so much good and barely any bad.

Its an alright port, i still think the game’s focus on being competitive is SUPER ANNOYING!

Solid Mario game, great soundtrack. Levels are fun and multiplayer is a blast.

Nintendo eu te pedi um jogo e vc me entregou a perfeição

Siempre confundí su nombre con el de 3DS xd

Lo jugué con mi compa Tenya en online y estuvo de huevos :v Lo malo es que nos quedamos en el último perro nivel

on my opinion, the best phases mario game ever! incridible new mechanics and phases, i fucking love it

easily the best way to play 3d world. mario cat is a cool power up.

Hard to play because I miss cappy movement