Reviews from

in the past

Mario 64 is one of the most famous and influential games of all time. It is a pivotal game in the Mario series since it's the first 3D entry. At the time the gameplay and graphics were revolutionary but nowadays they are antiquated. I really wanted to like this game, I liked Ocarina of Time, but unfortunately, this game was frustrating. The camera is difficult to control and being the first 3D Mario game means the controls aren't as fluid as later games. Both of these aspects combine to create a game that is difficult for all the wrong reasons. The final boss, in particular, was annoying because I was terrible at timing the throws. Despite all that I still had some fun playing the game but in terms of frustration, it ranks up there with God of War (2005) and sadly I can't commend this game as much as others in the franchise.

I feel like I kinda had to be there. It's great, but I just have a hard time enjoying a lot from the N64 library.
Born in 2000, first home console was the Wii in 2010 if that means anything lol

Obviously and incredible and influential game, but the archaic camera controls combined with a lot of tough platforming in the second half were incredibly frustrating and annoying. I still get why this game is a 10/10 for so many people and I think it deserves the praise but personally I just don't think its aged as well as people make it out to be.

Ahhhh que nostalgia y emoción siento al pensar en esta joyaza.

Holds up pretty well to this day, gets better the faster you go.

SM64 might be the biggest leap in gaming of all time, it's a gigantic milestone for that reason alone. So many kids grew up playing this game and had their minds completely blown and altered by this awesome game, and my experience was similar although I wouldn't say my mind was blown.

My 10/10 rating also comes from the fact that it's an incredible game still to play this day, and while it's fairly fun casually, it's absolutely unmatched to play as a skilled player like for example a speedrunner. You get what you put into this, and it can be incredibly rewarding. Everyone should get 120 stars at least once.

Never been the biggest platformer fan but this one has always been comfort food for me. Everything about the game is great as ever but I suppose the one caveat is N64 games never feel just quite right without that familiar controller.

Does have a decent handful of problems, but man this game's controls and physics singlehandedly saves it. You can do so many things in this game that are sweet, but there's also a good few levels that are pretty meh and do not allow you to take advantage of your movement as much

I feel as if this game is a tad bit overrated these days, to be honest. Yeah, it's amazing, but is it the best Mario game? I don't think so, man.
It's an amazing game that set the bar for 3D games but it ain't the best.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM this that good shit oooh yeah this that classic good shit with a cherry on top. i tried to speedrun it and was ASS. had to build speed for 12 hours ... 1 star

The first 3D Mario game and it shows. There’s a lot good in here, it’s very fun to control, nostalgic ost, first half is really fun and speedy, and it laid down a lot for the other games to do better. But man the parts that didn’t age well really haven’t aged well. Camera sucks dick, very janky controls, and the final stretch to get 70 stars is the most miserable thing ever. Still a good game tho, 6/10.

One of the coziest games ever made. Every star is memorable, every level is charming. They really got it right the first time.

Nunca pense encariñarme tanto con este juego, pero si lo hizo. SIempre pense que este juego era nostalgico por lo tanto que lo recuerda la gente y los sigue jugando hoy en dia.
Recolectar las 120 estrellas es todo un delirio pero algo en este juego toco mi alma que me hizo hacerlo.

it's a me-mario. i replayed this on the wii and timed myself to see how long it took me to beat. i think it was around 2 1/2 hours. try to beat my score and maybe you'll get something special. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

so long gay bowser am i right gamers!!

Too easy but at least you can make it fun.

I go back to it every now and then, it's nice

oh hey it's the speedrun game

literally one of the greatest games of all time

A timeless classic and my very first video game i have ever played!