Reviews from

in the past

An even better entry in the Mario franchise for the Game Boy than its already great predecessor. This time around the gameplay was based on the more recent titles, including an overworld map acting as a stage selection mechanic. The gameplay still retains the peculiarities that made the first Game Boy title its own unique thing. The music is also a mix of classic Mario tunes with unique compositions.

The Game Boy Mario games are also the biggest reason why I'm so brutal with most other platformers on the system. Nintendo proved you could make high quality platformers that could hold their own against the consoles of the day, but almost no one else bothered to step up to the plate. All that to say this is a fantastic third pillar of the Super Mario Bros 3. and Super Mario World trifecta.

First game I played, loved it, must have completed it at least 5 times. The end credits music is beautiful and nostalgic

A pesar de su corta duración, es muy creativo y tiene un carisma que la franquicia no vería de nuevo hasta Super Mario Bros Wonder.

La mayoría de jefe son fáciles, pero también son bastante únicos y divertidos. Y también, este es el juego que introduce a Wario, asi que puntos extra por eso.

the mario lands were decent for what they were

GooeyScale: 60/100

Lo malo es que basicamente es un juego de NES, entonces es complejo sin save states (por suerte los tengo xd), sobre todo el ultimo nivel, es muy largo y dificil como para que te boten todo por perder. Algunos mundos son entretenidos y novedosos en el setting. Pero si es probablemente el mario mas flojo

The first Super Mario Land was a fine game but this is a major improvement and is on the level of the NES entries in the series. The game is split into multiple areas and you're free to choose the order in which you tackle the stages; there is also the Bunny power-up which allows Mario to fly. The game is also noteworthy because it introduces Wario. Overall this is a great game; it's one of the best on the Game Boy and one of the best in the series.

an underrated entry in the mainline mario series :)

underrated gem of a game with some of the most creative levels in the franchise. super cool and detailed spritework means a bit of slowdown, but we're all adults here. much like sml1, it's a mysterious kind of game that will leave you asking many questions. one of the few games where you can go to the moon!

Unironically, this is one of the best video game sequels ever made and a genuine contender for the best 2D Mario.

For what it is and the time when it released, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins is an absolute marvel. When reviewing older games, I try to analyze a given title from both of the following viewpoints equally - “How does this hold up now?” and “How good is this for the time when it was released?”. If the answer to the latter question leans positive, I’m more likely to overlook some of the usual frustrations that come with game design philosophies of a title’s respective era.

Frankly, Super Mario Land 2 is a platformer that just straight up holds up today. It feels like a home console quality Mario game which has been perfectly translated onto a portable console (a fucking original Game Boy, at that). The weirdness I loved so much in the previous game is intact - level themes are possibly the most creative in the entire series, enemies are once again incredibly varied, and on the whole it feels like a game that combines the very best of all 2D Mario games prior.

The sprites are more detailed, levels incorporate a refreshing amount of verticality not often seen in the Mario series, and did I mention that you can play any world in any order?

It’s also incredibly forgiving on lives and checkpoints, allowing it to sidestep many of the usual frustrations of other games from the era. Any and all jank is basically gone and the platforming feels so much tighter. Genuinely, I don’t know that I’ve ever played a Game Boy game that felt more fair. Screw-ups were my screw-ups, and the game doesn’t punish you too hard for them.

The only genuine issue I have with this game is one that a lot of early handheld platformers face - the lack of screen space. In the previous game, the camera was more zoomed out, and thus Super Mario Land felt like one of the few Game Boy platformers that don’t feel like they’re suffering from the Game Boy’s tiny screen size. The downside to this is that much of the sprites and textures are less detailed as a result - Super Mario Land 2 does the opposite, zooming the camera back in to allow for more detailed spritework. A widescreen hack would easily fix this, and to the game’s credit, it was never a massive issue - only on a few occasions did it trip me up, but it’s still something to note. The change is definitely worth it, but I would love to see this fixed in a future re-release.

If you had told me that Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins had been developed recently as a throwback title, I would have believed you. It boggles the mind that Nintendo were able to make a handheld Mario as good as this on only their second try. I stand by the statement that this is the most creative level themes in Mario have ever been, and I adore it for that. Never again will we see a giant robot Mario’s ballsack as a level (yes, really), nor the inside of a giant turtle. It also introduced Wario, so I have to love it for that too.

I'm not ashamed to say that i played this game 4 times in a row. +0.5 stars for wario.

Honestly it feels someone told the devs "ok so this is Mario, this is a Goomba, and this is a Koopa" and the devs just did whatever the hell they wanted with this info. And yes, this is a good thing, game is amazing.

> Game is called Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
> You can collect dozens of coins in each level

What did they mean by this?

This game surprised me with its evolution compared to its predecessor, showcasing good and creative level design, as well as being the first appearance of Wario. It's one of the best games on Game Boy.

Was ein Brett im Vergleich zum Vorgänger. Diesmal Spielt es sich nicht wie Kompost, die Augen werden beim Anblick auch nicht konstant in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und die Stärke aus dem ersten teil, mit den kreativen Level Ideen wird weiterhin beibehalten.

Short and great game, also there's wario

First game I ever played that I didn't suck at lol

It's quite impressive all things considered! The 2D Mario games are at their best when they deviate from the typical Mario experience and this is one of those games.

We have Mario rescuing his own turf from the devious lord of garlic, Wario. I have to give props to this game for introducing the meme lord. Along with that, there are 6 coins to collect in 6 unique areas. It's all very charming in its variety of styles and its refreshing not to have to fight Bowser or rescue a princess.

It's also neat that we can tackle any of the areas in any order. However, this causes all 6 areas to be relatively easy. This is further compounded by Mario's godly rabbit hat that lets him glide for long periods of time. Along with that, the final level is quite the gauntlet in relation to all the other levels. Admittedly, I quite enjoyed the challenge though, so I felt that it added to the experience.

Finally, there's a nice musical variety and I was honestly quite impressed by the music that plays in the space area.

Overall, I have to say that Super Mario Land 2 is well worth playing for fans of the Mario games.

When im in the best Mario game ever competition and my opponent is Super Mario Land 2: Legend of The Six Golden Coins.

flew over most of the levels

Super Mario Land 2 improves on basically everything that was janky and rough in the first Super Mario Land, resulting in something much more on par with Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World... just a bit easier and shorter.

This game's kind of funny to me. Design-wise, everything is recognizably Mario - the levels have a familiar pace to them, and familiar Mario series elements all look basically like you'd expect from the home console games. And yet, I like how out-of-left-field a lot of the world themes and enemy designs are, with Mario exploring a giant toy version of himself, or fighting a nameless Witch in the the Pumpkin Zone.

There's a charming sort of deviation from the Mario formula, conceptually, while the gameplay and visual style nevertheless stays truer to it than the first Super Mario Land. It's surprisingly effective. Super Mario Land 2 may not surpass SMB3 or World, but it's a well-crafted game all the same.

A good improvement on the graphics and even the level design compared to the first Mario Land. Also, seeing the introduction of Wario is a fun encounter

(Original review from 2016) Surprisingly good Mario game for the Game Boy. A bit short again, and in some spots really confusing, but I did manage to finish it all.

Jogo fofoooo parabéns pros lindos que fizeram👏👏👏

This might be the game with the highest concentration of weird little guys ever made.

it's like they took everything cool about super mario land 1 and put it in a game that actually functions properly
(i really wish the music was more varied though. it's cool that the songs all have the same motif but my god it gets tiring to hear over and over)

Super Mario Land 2 is such a delightful game. Something about this, and it's predecessor, feels so different from the NES & SNES Mario games. There's a kind of unhinged creativity in the game's design. There's a few familiar faces here like your classic Goombas and Koopas but in terms of most of the enemies, environments and gimmicks this game marks a pretty significant departure from the look-and-feel of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World.

I mean, you've got a Halloween themed area full of vampires, cyclopes, witches and even little guys wearing Jason Voorhees hockey masks. How awesome is that?!

Some of the level gimmicks are pretty cool as well and add some nice variety to the platforming. I enjoyed the honey that you slowly slide down in the Tree Zone and the floatier jumping in the Space Zone in particular.

Just a very charming game overall!