Reviews from

in the past

Para os padrões de um jogo de Game Boy de 1992, Super Mario Land 2 é o melhor que um Mario poderia ser nessa plataforma. Não me agradou muito, e levei algumas semanas para terminar um jogo que poderia ser terminado em aproximadamente duas horas porque não tinha vontade de jogá-lo. Não é um jogo muito bom. É apenas um jogo de Mario com algum valor histórico.

A pretty drastic improvement over SML1. The music bops more, the control feels smoother, the spritework is more appealing & the world feels little larger & more imaginative. In no other Mario game do you explore the inside of a whale or ride in a hippo's snot bubble up to the moon. In a way, this speaks to SML’s uniqueness as a series & it’s a bit of a shame Nintendo hasn’t revisited it in so long. A delightfully different handheld classic.

An obvious graphical and engineering upgrade from the first, yet I found myself having less fun with this one compared to the first. My best guess is that the open-ness of the world had me doing certain levels/worlds out of order and making the difficulty scale feel wonky. I also think the controls are a bit slow and somehow both slippery and floaty.

I remeber beating this but I don't remember playing it

El Mario por excelencia de GB.

Jugablemente se siente muy bien, teniendo el giro de Mario World para romper bloques a nuestros pies, eso sí, aquí no hay coleccionables ni nada del estilo, así que eso le quita un poco la rejugabilidad.

Cada zona es muy única, alejándose de los típicos escenarios de cueva o llanura del World, teniendo más personalidad en ese aspecto, con plataformas y enemigos propios.

Solo tiene un power up nuevo, la zanahoria, que es básicamente el descenso del tanuki pero pudiendo ser "infinito" si aprietas muy seguido el botón de salto, igualmente no se siente que por la falta de potenciadores el juego pierda gracia a diferencia de los New por ejemplo.

Tiene unos picos de dificultad un tanto cabrones en varios niveles que se sienten bien random la verdad, tienes que calcular muy bien los saltos.

Solid title for the time, final level is hard as piss

The sequel to "Super Mario Land", obviously.

Not as good as SML 1 but a nice little time.

While it loses some of Super Mario Land's unique charm, it makes up for it much moreso with actually better graphics and gameplay. Gotta love the Mario's Balls™ level.

Does a review about a gameboy game even matter in this day and age ?

I want to talk about it : this game is creative, it has more creativity in it's world building than most mario game, even recent ones, it's refreshing and funny, it helps incorporate good gameplay mechanics and it's just a genuinely good surprise on this part.
The game is short, doesn't have the best power up, but stand out with a pretty cool art direction for a gameboy game, and no limit on the level u can choose. The game is not based on a slow ramping up of the difficulty, but a showcase of ideas, and it's flying, illuminating even. The game is great.

Problems ? yeah, not every ideas are good, the progression in levels can be inequal and, as said before, the power ups doesn't change much, except adding a bit of resistance to your character. There's also a problem that is inherent to the "showcase of idea" side of the game, which is : the game never really expand on those ideas. Not every idea need to be worked much on, of course, but keeping every idea short and not doing much with it made them feel superfluous and not that important, when some ideas show promise and even would have made the game better, but you cannot expand on those ideas without changing the pacing of the game, in some way it would make the game worse.

This game would be, like, a full point higher if it had save points in the final level

I didn't what the fuck I was doin' when I first played this. But after seeing some footage over the past couple of months, this is quite an imaginative Mario game in terms of its level themes and powerups. A good one, indeed.

Enjoyable Mario game available on the GB, I like that it is a little more like Super Mario World except with cutesy and varied worlds.

On the Switch the large size Mario looks good, on original hardware I can understand that it would be a little big and would make the game itself harder to navigate. For a ‘92 Mario title it’s a fun time.

Despite not wanting to ever play a GB 2D Mario, I enjoyed Super Mario Land enough to warrant playing Super Mario Land 2, and to be honest, I see the hype. I wouldn't say I like this game as much as most other people still, but I definitely see the hype.

Super Mario Land felt like it was at conflict with itself, wanting to be its own unique Mario game but also having to contend with translating 2D Mario to the GameBoy's capabilities. This game is noticeably better in pretty much every regard. It looks better, it feels better, its more fleshed out. It even takes a wholly different approach to the Mario story formula. There is no princess to rescue, instead you have to take back Mario's castle from the evil Wario (when the hell did Mario get his own castle anyhow?).

What I really enjoy about this game is its approach to theming. Super Mario Land 1 had this globetrotting aesthetic where you were like, going around to different places, and that's kinda cool, but I prefer the theming in this game a lot more. Especially for 1992, some of these themes were actually really dope. In fact even the least creative zone, being Macro Zone (mostly because tiny/huge levels have been a staple of the series since the first game), is still pretty creative in its own right. Hell, if you really think about it Turtle Zone and Pumpkin Zone are also your water and ghost levels, but their theming is very different from what I expect out of either of those in a Mario game. I do have small nitpicks about some of the zones, like why the hell is it called Turtle Zone? Yeah a turtle eats you to get you to it, but like, after that there are no turtles besides the Koopas! It should be called Whale Zone! And Mario Zone is odd, but I kinda dig how odd it is.

Now, despite how much it seems I like this game, and I do like it, I still don't know if it reaches the levels of Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario Bros. Wonder for me, and unfortunately, its entirely because its still a GB game. I'll say this: if they ever remake this game, it will probably be able to join the ranks. I mean, despite not being up there with those two, I'd still actually say this is my third favorite 2D Mario.

Also I can't believe this is where Wario comes from, and I can't believe they immediately made him the protagonist of the followup game. Like I love Wario, but what the hell?

An improvement over the first game without a doubt, featuring much more variety in locations, more complex gameplay that can rival the SNES games, and Wario.

still have the music stuck in my head :D one of the first gb games i played and it's an absolute delight from start to finish. one of the gb's best as fair as i'm concerned

It gave us wario, obviously the superior game

Definitivamente mais bem pensado que o primeiro jogo, tem um charme que resiste ao tempo, apesar de alguns mundos pouco inspirados.

A última fase é um salto de dificuldade meio bizarro, diga-se de passagem.

Um dos jogos mais legais e criativos do Mario. Estou positivamente surpreso em como ele foge da maioria dos padrões da franquia e consegue ter uma cara muito única, algo que só foi se repetir no Mario Wonder (Switch). A trilha sonora também é fenomenal, e foi criada pelo mesmo compositor de Zelda Link's Awakening (Game Boy).

Eu só não digo que esse jogo é perfeito porque apelaram demais na última fase. O desafio é muito desbalanceado e não tem nenhum Checkpoint, além de ser meio rogue-like; caso vc perca toda as vidas, terá que derrotar novamente todos os 6 Bosses do mapa para poder entrar no castelo final.

Apesar desse ponto negativo, todo o resto desse jogo é maravilhoso e ele já é um dos meus títulos mainline preferidos do Mario.

A small but charming adventure

Absurdly incredible improvement over the original, and probably as good as you can get for the game boy.

Lost count of how many times I beat this, great levels

Bastante creativo, y muy buen juego, incluso si se ve limitado por la GB.