Reviews from

in the past

the RNG in this game kind of sucks dick and nuts but the moment you get a good run going? it GOES INSANE. otherwise R key simulator :broken_heart:

It used to make the game worse, which is insane for a DLC, like how bad can you mess this up? But they redeemed themselves with the boster packs (especially the last one).

i'm a big isaac fan so i was really happy to get this out on the switch so early. however this game really does suffer from not being played with a keyboard, and the joycon's awful d-pad was probably a worse experience than just using the thumbstick. great game but if you're gonna play it portably either go steam deck or vita. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

I swear this game is infectious. If I hear someone play it it’s all I can think of. My best friend and I will talk on the phone while playing non stop. I have yet to beat mega satan, but have beaten Delirium twice and the Hush a few times

this dlc had major issues at launch and frankly still isn't perfect but hey it is what it is. thank god they followed this up with repentance.

Para mi este es el mejor de la saga. Cierto que no he jugado mucho el repentance, pero este fue el que mas fuerte pego en mi opinion.

Las sinergias mas bosses y escenarios hacen de este juego el mejor de su genero.

Não sou muito fã de roguelike, mas achei legal