Reviews from

in the past

been playing this game for years and finally managed to unlock absolutely everything in this game.

why the fuck are there so many achievements man

delirum is absolute bullshit and so is the void i dont need to say anything else

Macbook kullanan arkadaşların girebileceği en son sürüm Isaac oyunu bu, fakat eğer "Apple Silicon" işlemcili bir bilgisayar kullanıyorsanız, "Crossover ya da Parallels" kullanarak "Repentence" eklenti paketini oynayabilirsiniz.

El mejor roguelike del mercado, miles de combinaciones con sinergias únicas, no hay dos partidas de tboi que sean idénticas, desafiante y al mismo tiempo fácil de aprender, historia sencilla pero increíble con personajes remarcables

I have a love hate relationship with this game. After 500+ hours, it's mostly a hate relationship. I did 100% it, and I will commend it that it's the best rogue-lite out there. I've played many, and nothing compares to how truly unique every run of this game will be.

Unlike Repentance Afterbirth didn't add that much good to the game.


After 100+ hours and beating Delirium with several different characters, I'd say I have this game pretty well beaten. Really, I had it beaten quite a while ago, but more runs to unlock more stuff with new characters is just so addicting!

Not gonna say too much. It's Binding of Isaac. It's a fucking fantastic rogue-lite, perhaps the best out there. The Switch port is absolutely fantastically done. The game looks beautiful, runs perfectly, and all of the new content that the '+' entails add that much more to mess around with!

Verdict: Highly Recommended. As stated before, it's Binding of Isaac. If you like rogue-lites, chances are you've already played it a long time ago. If you do like rogue-lites and haven't played it yet and have a PC or a Switch, then I cannot recommend picking up this enough.

They added infinite replayability! Cool!

Para mi este es el mejor de la saga. Cierto que no he jugado mucho el repentance, pero este fue el que mas fuerte pego en mi opinion.

Las sinergias mas bosses y escenarios hacen de este juego el mejor de su genero.

the RNG in this game kind of sucks dick and nuts but the moment you get a good run going? it GOES INSANE. otherwise R key simulator :broken_heart:

This is when I realized I didn't care much for indies.

When do I start the real game?

te odio pero te amo,juegazo.

+700 hrs invertidas valieron totalmente la pena.

wish it wasnt banned o xbox in aus

J'y ai joué vite fait, et je comprends pourquoi c'est le Rogue Like Par défaut pour tout le monde, pourquoi tout le monde l'adore. Je dois y jouer plus pour donner un avis plus constructif.

Doesn't get much harder than this probably

One of my favorite games of all time and a rogue like like none other. It is pretty hard to explain just how insane this game can get without seeing it for yourself so I'll just leave it at this - this game has infinite hours of content to unlock, explore and master. Tons of bosses, item combinations, routes, endings, characters, unlockables; the list goes on and on. Extremely difficult especially when trying to unlock certain characters or items. I have not played Repentance but Afterbirth+ is a very solid expansion to an already great game. If you're a fan of rogue likes, classic Zelda style dungeon crawling or a combination of the two definitely check this game out.

Entertaining time sink that makes you want to play it over and over again even tho you keep losing hours of your life with no progress.. Perfect for listening to podcasts.

Its issac. very good... but dont play this version, play repentance it fixes so much and is just a way better version of the game overall

Un muy buen roguelike, sigue manteniendo la esencia del BOI clásico y la lleva a un siguiente nivel, es divertido y la cantidad de objetos a tu disposición es increíble, aporta miles de horas de diversión, es desafiante pero te recompensa de muchas maneras.

Best rogue-like with a huge advantage

It used to make the game worse, which is insane for a DLC, like how bad can you mess this up? But they redeemed themselves with the boster packs (especially the last one).

i'm a big isaac fan so i was really happy to get this out on the switch so early. however this game really does suffer from not being played with a keyboard, and the joycon's awful d-pad was probably a worse experience than just using the thumbstick. great game but if you're gonna play it portably either go steam deck or vita.