Reviews from

in the past

Nostalgia Tour

Here's another classic game that I played endlessly from my youth. I think The Warriors still holds up well! The level designs are so drab and dreary looking (I mean New York am I right?!) but they're unique. The fighting mechanics are def a little bit dated, but they were also mildly gory? which was a trip. If you loved the movie or at least enjoyed the movie think of the plot in this game as the prequel... tv show.. drawn-out version of the film's plot. Rockstar even included some fun side missions and mini-game side pieces to draw out the plot and story even more, which was well done. This is another old-school title that I could see myself revisiting time and time again. "That was a love tap, sucka!"

Shame not that many remember this title. I feel it’s one of the better licensed titles out there.

It somehow manages to expand on the lore of the movie (which only 5 of the 20 or so missions are the movie itself) and does it in a natural way.

Still GOATed. Love the game, love the film, have read the book twice. I just love this game, battering lads all over town to get home. I’d do unspeakable things for a modern version. Unspeakable.

Love the movie and the game being a prequel. The game runs like GARBAGE on PS5 but I pushed through to finish the story. No platinum trophy available unfortunately.