Reviews from

in the past

The best movie video game of all time in my opinion fr fr

Jueguito para entendidos, para los que saben del tema.

I love this game, I love the movie. I've played it so many times, it's a shame it has graphical issues on PS5.

It was a good games but there was a bug ig and I couldn't pass the level so I got stuck..

One of the best movie video games ever. What set it apart from others as well was giving backstory to the film before even doing the film sections. Peak era rockstar right here.

my cousin and i would send hours playing this game as cowboy and another warrior playing keep away with cowboys hat.

Rockstar'ın Yaptığı En İyi Oyun

Quite possibly Rockstar's most underrated game in my opinion (besides L.A. Noire). The Warriors is a beat em' up based on the movie of the same name. The movie was a cult classic, based around the story of a gang who gets accused of shooting the leader of the biggest gang in the city, and are then hunted while trying their best to make it home to Coney Island.

It feels like such a random film to warrant a game, but Rockstar did it anyway, and in many ways, eclipsed the film. These characters from the movie that we barely know are given time to develop, so their ultimate fates and arcs are actually interesting. Being a beat em' up is the perfect idea, with satisfying bloody action being commonplace throughout this game's storyline. The game is set prior to the movie at first, giving everyone time to develop, before inevitably going through the events of the movie itself. Flashback missions delve into the backgrounds of the gang's core members even further, while free roaming around Coney Island adds extra hours of content and enjoyability to the game. The Arcade mode is a fun time too, letting players play as the different gangs that appear across the game, unlock characters for the mode, and even make their own gang to use in the Arcade modes as well. And if you like side-scrolling beat em' ups, there's a little bonus unlockable mode you'll probably love as well.

I wish The Warriors got ported to modern consoles besides the PS4, because it really is something special and unique from Rockstar's catalog. I also worry that the licensed music could expire one day, but I suppose it hasn't for GTA, so this game should be safe from delistings. Regardless, give it a shot some time if you like beat em' ups.

Score: 85

meu primeiro contato com the warriors, fiquei abismado quando soube que tinha um filme

Love the movie and the game being a prequel. The game runs like GARBAGE on PS5 but I pushed through to finish the story. No platinum trophy available unfortunately.

A beautiful game, I stopped at the stadium stage. Soon, I'll get back to work on this game.

The only game that needs a remake

This game looks awful even for a PS2 game, and the controls feel slippery. If you like the movie, though, this might be for you.

This game should be remastered

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Um dos melhores não-GTAs da Rockstar.

O melhor jogo baseado em filme, adiciona uma profundidade grande aos personagens e gangues que você não sabia que faltava ao ver o filme.

Pode ficar meio repetitivo, mas o combate é muito satisfatório, uma evolução do combate feito pro Bully


Yes I can, one of my favorite movies so a little biased AND grungy 1970s streets on ps2 so beautifully filthy, thank you R*!

Still GOATed. Love the game, love the film, have read the book twice. I just love this game, battering lads all over town to get home. I’d do unspeakable things for a modern version. Unspeakable.

Beat 'em up gameplay doesn't usually interest me. The graffiti minigame was annoying due to the resource management component. The PS4 version is broken on the PS5. This is the second Rockstar game I've had to abandon due to bugs.

This game had no right being this good, Rockstar proving they were on top of the western video game world on the PS2 for sure.

to me, this is the best beat-em-up game of all time.

Fun as hell game, loved the co-op.

Nostalgia Tour

Here's another classic game that I played endlessly from my youth. I think The Warriors still holds up well! The level designs are so drab and dreary looking (I mean New York am I right?!) but they're unique. The fighting mechanics are def a little bit dated, but they were also mildly gory? which was a trip. If you loved the movie or at least enjoyed the movie think of the plot in this game as the prequel... tv show.. drawn-out version of the film's plot. Rockstar even included some fun side missions and mini-game side pieces to draw out the plot and story even more, which was well done. This is another old-school title that I could see myself revisiting time and time again. "That was a love tap, sucka!"

Shame not that many remember this title. I feel it’s one of the better licensed titles out there.

It somehow manages to expand on the lore of the movie (which only 5 of the 20 or so missions are the movie itself) and does it in a natural way.

You will not hear from me when I get to play this fucking game without it lagging.

Everything the movie had to offer plus more this game is seriously overlooked and a 5 🌟 forgotten gem

Rockstar's most underrated game, and the best movie game ever made.