Reviews from

in the past

There's a little something for everyone

One of the best stories ever with arguably the best characters in gaming. And once you beat it there is hundreds of fan content to engage in and play like Undertale Yellow

generational game that took over the internet, gave us sans undertale haur haur haur 😭😭

A great game that combines many of its inspirations in very effective and incredible ways. However, the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. The narrarative is exceptional, the music is phenomenal, and while I personally do not have much love for the characters, I think they are expertly well-written in the ways they react to the player's choices.

played this game when i was a younger kid, liked it a lot but for sure a lot of the themes went over my head. definitely an innovation in the indie space i can appreciate.

it’s a coffin. There’s a name engraved on it. « Wh+re. »

I see the appeal to this game, but it isn't for me. The battle system is fun, but other than that, it's a glorified walking simulator with very few puzzles to keep me entertained. Characters are fine, and the three final bosses are the best moments in the game.

- Teto

changed my life after true pacifist then shit all over it after genocide

the ballsiest trophy list on the ps4. toby fox is an american icon. this game probably deserves all of its hype.

Plot-wise it doesn't appeal to me, but it still has a lot of very good elements in it, such as art style and music. It is worth giving it a chance.

He tardado bastante pero por fin lo he jugado... Muy, muy bueno... Qué decir... Estaré semanas escuchando la banda sonora y leyendo headcanons.

Fun and clever little game.
Simple at first glance but gets deep at the end. Great character development.

And simply amazing soundtrack.

lo jugué con 0 fe ya que por las lenguas de aquel entonces lo pintaban como la venida de cristo, después de hacer mi primera run y luego las siguientes, entendí perfectamente el porque la gente aprecia bastante el juego, lo recomiendo ampliamente

I really love this game it has coolest storyline and also I love how the game has different endings depending on what you do this basically and the endings I got was the ending you didn't have to kill anyone which was a great ending plus mettaton boss fight is peak. After I did the kill nobody I did the opposite where I kill everyone which had different dialogue and bosses fights my favorite probably undyne the undying I love the music.

Unique bullet hell/RPG mechanics I absolutely adore but absolutely suck at. Iconic characters and music and all the rest, very solid game

You had to be their. The game singlehandedly had Youtube in a chokehold from 2015-2018. Being a part of the fanbase was pure bliss. Love this game and it's heartwarming message.


great story, great characters, great gameplay, great dialogue, great areas, what more do you want out of an rpg?

Its undertale.
Boom 10/10

the undertale switch port was great, and i liked the extra encounter more than the ps4 ports content. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

Fantastic game. Incredibly moving story with great gameplay and a killer soundtrack. The genocide route looks like a fun challenge, but I am emotionally incapable of doing it after completing the pacifist route. I need to revisit it sometime.

Hard to subvert my expectations with all the hype surrounding it, but Undertale still left an impression. I don’t think I have the heart (or determination) for a genocide run.