Reviews from

in the past

i wish i was toby fox so bad not because of his money or fame but because i wish i had the ability to make something so incredibly charming that was able to touch so many peoples lives. alas all i can do to make up for this personal failure is draw me kissing mettaton on the lips

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the fact that this game has been out for 9 years is honestly wild
sans is my favorite boss fight ever and one of my favorite characters as well
I love the world
I love the message
I love the characters
awww the music makes me ahhhhhh
MEGALOVENIA is engraved in my tiny brain
best indie game ever

I am so torn on my opinion of this game and the sad part is that it has nothing to do with the game itself. The game is good but it isn't perfect and i'm genuinely concerned with getting flamed for having that opinion.

Some people say video games are an art form (I am some people) and like all other forms of art there are some people who are REAL snobby about it. I don't know exactly what it is about Undertale that has people so ravenous about a game where they cried because a goat lady gave them a slice of pie. There was a bit of a mob mentality when it came to Undertale to the point where even now every time I see it pop up I end up rolling my eyes in mild disgust even though I LIKE THE GAME. Maybe it was because I was still doomscrolling through the wasteland of Tumblr during this games height of popularity and watched it go from underrated indie to quite possibly the most overrated piece of media i've ever seen.

4/5 for just the game I guess?
2/5 for the game + the internet

Everything about Undertale is brilliant, unique, and just fun. It impacted indie games in a MAJOR way for years to come.

I remember writing down whole notebooks with Easter Eggs, Pacifist guides and Genocide run boss analysis for my friend way back.

Undertale is a well-told story with a genuine sense of humor. Undertale is a resounding triumph of metafiction, a commentary on video game conventions, and the dissection of the fourth wall. Undertale is a game where a trans robot likes it if you compliment his legs, and where a panicking lesbian fish demands your opinion about whether anime is real. Undertale is a game where nobody has to die, as long as you have the determination to save them.

And you should.

É perfeito.
Cada simples detalhe, perfeito.

O melhor indie que ja vi na vida.

Amazing. One of the greatest games I've ever played.

Heartfelt and unique, this game blends humor and depth seamlessly. The battles are refreshingly different, offering creative ways to engage beyond typical RPG mechanics. The story is simple yet unforgettable, showing true passion from its developer. Don't let online fandoms deter you—this is an experience worth having.

This game is amazing, my one and only complaint is that some of the environments are kind of ugly.

Não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto esse jogo é importante pra mim. Obrigado Toby Fox.

Very beautiful and I LOVE the cast. Ignoring the atrocious fandom this is an amazing and unique game. A must-play with very emotive moments. WARNING!! The songs with be stuck in your head.

"Despite everything, it's still you."
"Do you think even the worst person can change...?"
"Papyrus realizes he doesn't have ears."
There are countless quotes I could use to start off this review but genuinely, nothing could do it justice. This game is an unforgettable experience, a defining moment in my life that I always find myself coming back to in some way, shape or form. [rest of review pending lmao]

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Undertale is such an important game for me, its been with me since junior high and I've always come to replay it often every year. Because I have so many hours on it and know the story well, I usually replay it for the neutral route, but I don't shy away from true pacifist or genocide either. Anyway, today after talking with a friend about the game recently, I decided to do another neutral route: I only attack when I get hit. I've played the game so much that I only ended up killing a few monsters: Two Vulkins and Muffet. But here's the thing about Undertale that makes it so special: I was also hit by the Royal Guards. After telling RG1 to whisper to RG2, I couldn't bring myself to go through with it and broke my own rules. The fact that Undertale is able to make me care for characters with minimal screentime that I've seen over and over again just goes to show how great the writing is and how much charm the game has. All three routes are fantastic, especially True Pacifist which has a super emotional ending and a perfect final boss. Genocide is a pain to get through, but the two exclusive bosses are the most fun to fight and make it worth it, though nothing will make the ending worth it due to how awful you feel after. I'm sure a lot of people know the story by now so I don't need to go full into detail, but just know this game is perfect in every way. Overall, Undertale still remains one of my favourite games to this day and is a masterpiece.

I used to like the game a lot more as kid, but revisiting and playing it more made me realise wow I kind of don't really like some of the characters. I like skellermen and Mettaton and that's kind of it. I may be cringe but I think just about everything else about it is great. Playing Deltarune also made me realise that the combat in Undertale is kind of just worse/less inspired, but that's fair for Toby's first big game. Good experience but I think that it is more significant as a monument for quirky earthbound inspired RPG's and indie games overall.

woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah story of undertale

i got 67 hours in and just gave up its not fun

after my first playthrough, i was really only vibing with like 3/3.5 stars due to the way some dialogue interupts you & the way some fights play out, but then, I started my pacifist run, and wow

i mean this game shines when you put in the effort to talk to each character, get creative with your puzzle solving, and explore. I felt so much more satisfied and content following the second time i rolled credits because of how excellent the writing & world-building are. to me, this game is set apart because it was feels like it was made with an inspiration for telling heartwarming stories via quirky relationships with misfit characters.

obviously the music is outstanding, but the theming is what sets this game over the top to me. its the way the cities loom out in the distance during long horizontal stretches, the way the mushrooms light your path in the waterfall section, and the way the throne room recalls such a beautifuly melancholic moment in your past that will make this game last for me. and with such a heartwarming, knock out ending that will 100% have me rolling its messages around in my head for the next week, i cant not recommend you play this if you already haven't. i'm already nearly ten years late. don't you dare be worse than that.

PEAKK, such a good story and the fact you have to play it multiple times to fully understand and grasp everything is amazing.

i apologize tobias fox, i wasn't familiar with your game