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This game is currently in the Humble Choice for June 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before July 2nd, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

X-COM Warhammer style.

Battlesector takes all the Warhammer lore and puts almost all of it on a shelf, you have Space Marines, you have an alien race like the Zerg, and you fight. The combat is done in X-COM’s style, moving on a grid and taking shots at enemies, with a lot of randomness involved, but also a lot of awesome space battles. It’s distilled from Warhammer in a pure essence and is the most similar to the board game with those changes. There’s a story mode here, as well as two other single-player modes, custom campaigns are available also apparently, and multiplayer.

But there are two races I mentioned. I believe there are also four others. The problem is you don’t get those. If you want the entire game now, you’re paying 60 dollars. And those additional races are only for the additional modes, plus there are elites for the two main races as well. There are no new additional campaigns involving them. That’s a lot of money, and I know Warhammer is one of the most expensive hobbies, but does that make it ok for the game to demand double the price to get all the content in it? I’ll answer that, absolutely not.

Pick this up if you want X-COM in the Warhammer universe, the campaign is over 20 hours, and there are two other modes you can play more of and even playing online. However, I do struggle with how the DLC feels like they should have given players a bit more for the purchase. This is what I was afraid of when Game Pass came around, a lot of games where you get only a part of the game upfront and have to pay for more DLC just to get what feels like a complete experience.

There are coupons for some of the DLC in the bundle but it’s still about 30 dollars for the rest of the game, and even that isn’t all the DLC, or all the races, because of course there’s more. And I do have a bit more experience with this title, due to Xbox Game Pass playtime, but I can say this really does stand up

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

closest to replicating the feel of the tabletop version. I just wish there was more to play with, as each faction only has about 15 units, and all but the blood angels and tyranids are paid DLC.