Reviews from

in the past

My favourite game of all time. Beaten it more than once.

Ironically, when I first got the game after wanting it for years, I didn't find myself gripped in the first hour or so. Immensely glad I gave it another go as it was the game to get me into the RE series and became my favourite. Can see myself playing it again in the future.

Exploring this way back in 2014 along with The Evil Within was my everything.

Arcydzieło formy i techniki. Niemożliwy port niemożliwego przeobrażenia się metodycznego action adventure w metodyczną rozpierduchę. Chociaż trup ścieli się tu gęsto, każdy nabój jest na wagę złota.

You try something because everyone loves it and it actually lives to the hype. That's this game.

Sempre ficava jogando mesmo após ter zerado, no auge da minha adolescência eu me sentia diferente dos outros por jogar esse tipo de jogo.

A minha visão sobre Resident Evil 4 é como a de um queijo mofado, mas
incrivelmente saboroso. É surpreendente pensar que um jogo lançado em 2005 ainda
mantém gráficos tão sólidos.

Ao avaliar um jogo, levo em conta o contexto geral, e ao analisar Resident Evil 4,
especialmente considerando sua data de lançamento, os gráficos continuam sendo
impressionantes e funcionam muito bem.

O sistema de combate deixa um pouco a desejar. A série Resident Evil costumava
adotar o sistema de câmera "tank" no passado, que não era muito agradável.
Embora Resident Evil 4 não use a câmera "tank", sinto que é uma variação desse
sistema. É rígido e lento, mas com o tempo, a adaptação à câmera e ao combate
se torna mais tranquila.

Infelizmente, a introdução de Ashley torna o jogo um tanto monótono. Isso se deve
à combinação do sistema de câmera e combate, tornando difícil ser ágil no jogo, o
que frequentemente resulta na captura de Ashley, por qualquer motivo que seja.

No entanto, a narrativa é uma área em que Resident Evil 4 brilha. A competência na
construção da história permanece consistente do início ao fim. As ações no jogo
progridem de maneira gradual, sem forçar a barra em nenhum momento,
proporcionando uma experiência envolvente para o jogador.

A trilha sonora, por outro lado, é o ponto mais fraco. Envelheceu muito mal, e muitas
vezes o áudio apresenta distorções, o que não contribui positivamente para a
experiência do jogo.

"i hope they don't ruin this game on its eventual remake"

Pretty much my favorite game of all time

This is probably one of my less popular opinions but Resident Evil 4 is way too long and gets way too shooty towards the end but I like the bit in the village and I like that little fella in the castle.

This game still holds up. It's still the gold standard for 3rd person shooters as far as I'm concerned. I love the combat, the location damage, the enemy interactions, and the adaptive difficulty. This game raised the standard for everything that came after it.

My biggest complaints about the game overall is that I wish the map system was better. You can only see the current area and you can't even change what elevation you are looking at. Also, QTEs are mad annoying and I blame RE4 and GOW1 for making them prominent for such a long time. Finally, there were a few occasions where the camera felt limiting.

Playing this on PC reaffirmed my love for the Wii version, I just love the controls. The steam version is filled with performance issues and glitches. None of them made the game unplayable, but they were really annoying to deal with. Occasional frame drops, crashes, and the game not allowing you to save after beating Separate Ways for NG+ are the most prominent annoyances I dealt with. Overall, still a good time.

This game was always really unattractive to me and I always felt like like it was way too hyped despite never having played it, but after trying it out myself, I definitely do understand it now. RE4 loses pretty much any kind of horror the series could have had, but despite that it manages to be an extremely memorable experience, with fast combat, over the top cutscenes and memorable characters. I think the biggest point about this game though, is the pacing. The game is always introducing new things and keeping the perfect amount of pressure on you to always be engaging. RE4 is linear game of a considerable length and it never managed to feel super repetitive, which is a great achievement.

The funniest Resident Evil in the franchise. I love Leon Kennedy and I also love how mega-cheese this game is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s tense and hard at times but… OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS FUNNY. Maybe it’s the 2005 graphics and the questionable voice acting? However, the plot is still very good and personally one of my favourite games in this franchise. You’re in for a good time playing this RE game.

A refreshing change to the usual formula, while maintaining the elements that define the Resident Evil franchise (yes, including an industrial/tech facility in the finale). Some might argue that the lean into action started a trend that caused the series to lose its way a little, but I think it strikes a great balance of exciting action and adventure and some of the scariest sequences I'd seen in a video game. One major drawback is the obnoxious companion quest that takes up a good portion of the gameplay, but it's more of an annoyance than a major impediment to progress. Otherwise, the game is great, with exciting locations, horrifying monsters, and plenty of firepower to blast through it all!

me marcou demais e mudou muito a franquia, esse jogo eh bom em tudo, menos na ilha

Leon is so charming you just kinda ignore that he's a black ops agent sent to destabilize a foreign nation.

▫️years before the events of 'Raccoon City' This one from Resident Evil 4, which I also really appreciate, at the beginning and end, and it's worth remembering that these game scenes are incredibly beautiful. And then the characters are interesting and having some tips for killing the bosses is worth including and the new virus is called 'Las Plagas' and the game is so great and what was not missing was 'The Mercenaries'

It still holds up in 2023. One of my favorite games now. I enjoyed the tank controls. It felt good to master the movement and aiming system. The hate for tank controls is overrated as shit. Environments and vibes were impeccable. It felt tight and focused and was not afraid to get goofy in between all the great survival horror ambience. Also loved the inventory system. This game single-handedly made me interested in playing all the other Resident Evil games (at some point).

"Resident Evil 4" for the PlayStation 2 stands as a timeless masterpiece that redefined the survival horror genre and gaming as a whole. Released in 2005, it remains a pinnacle of suspenseful gameplay, immersive storytelling, and technical achievement.

At its core, "Resident Evil 4" captivates with its intense atmosphere and relentless tension. Set in rural Europe, the game follows Leon S. Kennedy, now a seasoned government agent, as he embarks on a mission to rescue the President's daughter, Ashley Graham, from a mysterious cult. From the outset, players are thrust into a world teeming with grotesque creatures infected by a parasitic organism known as Las Plagas. Every corner of the eerie villages and forbidding castles exudes an unsettling ambiance, heightened by sparse lighting and haunting sound design that keeps players perpetually on edge.

The gameplay of "Resident Evil 4" represents a groundbreaking departure from its predecessors. Moving away from fixed camera angles, the over-the-shoulder perspective offers a more dynamic and immersive experience. This innovation, coupled with responsive controls, allows for fluid aiming and precise shooting—crucial elements given the relentless onslaught of enemies. Each encounter demands strategic thinking, whether conserving precious ammunition or strategically using environment traps to gain the upper hand. The game's clever blend of action and horror ensures that every moment is as pulse-pounding as it is satisfying.

Graphically, "Resident Evil 4" shines even on the PlayStation 2. The environments are richly detailed, from dilapidated houses to intricate dungeons, each telling a story of its own. Character models are impressively rendered, with lifelike animations that enhance the intensity of confrontations. The visual fidelity is complemented by a cinematic presentation, seamlessly integrating cutscenes that propel the narrative forward while maintaining a relentless pace.

Speaking of narrative, "Resident Evil 4" delivers a gripping storyline that unfolds through captivating dialogue and unexpected plot twists. Leon's journey is fraught with moral dilemmas and alliances that blur the line between friend and foe, adding depth to the narrative beyond mere survival. The relationship between Leon and Ashley evolves organically, shaping their characters and influencing gameplay dynamics in meaningful ways.

Furthermore, "Resident Evil 4" boasts replayability through its Mercenaries mode, challenging players to survive wave after wave of enemies within a strict time limit. This mode not only tests combat prowess but also encourages exploration of different strategies and unlocks, enhancing the game's longevity.

In conclusion, "Resident Evil 4" for the PlayStation 2 remains a benchmark in gaming history—a thrilling amalgamation of horror, action, and storytelling prowess. Its influence is felt across the industry, inspiring countless games and setting a standard for what a truly immersive gaming experience should be. Whether revisiting the sinister landscapes of rural Europe or experiencing it for the first time, "Resident Evil 4" continues to captivate and terrify, proving its status as a true classic that stands the test of time.

Lembro de quando eu era pequeno e nn conseguia jogar esse jogo, a sensação sombria q esse jogo trazia pra mim era diferente, mas desde pequeno eu acho esse jogo especial, por conta de ser ''diferente" dos jogos q eu jogava no ps2, e em 2023 q eu fui zerar ele pela primeira vez.
Vc é simplesmente Leon Scott Kennedy, e vc está em uma missão para resgatar a filha do presidente, de acordo com as dicas, vc é mandado para uma cidadezinha da Espanha em busca dela, e há coisas estranhas acontecendo lá.
Pontos positivos:
-história e personagens envolventes
-humor incrivel
-faz parte da trindade do ps2
-tem o Leon
-vc pode jogar 1 milhão de vezes e nn vai ficar cansado
Pontos negativos:
-controles de tanques
-quicktimes desnecessários
Esse jogo foi a porta de entrada para a maioria dos fãs de resident evil, mas não, ele não é o melhor, e não, ele não é melhor q o remake.Mas com certeza é um dos melhores jogos da HISTÓRIA. JOGAÇO!!!

Resident Evil 4 (2005) benim için efsanedir. Playstation 2'yi aldığımda ilk oynadığım oyunlardan bir tanesiydi. İlk kez 2011 senesinde oynama şansını elde etmiştim.

Grafikler ve Tasarım:

Resident Evil 4, PlayStation 2 için ve zamanına göre oldukça güzel grafiklere sahipti. Oyunun karanlık ve gergin atmosferi, grafiklerin kalitesiyle birleşerek oyuncuyu içine çeken bir deneyim sunuyor.

Oynanış ve Kontroller:

Oyunun oynanışı, serinin önceki oyunlarına göre önemli ölçüde değişiyor. Eski Resident Evil oyunlarının kamera açısı uzak açıda iken bu oyunla birlikte Resident Evil serisi omuz kamerasına geçiyor. Oyunun nişan alma, etrafa bakma gibi kısımları başlarda zor gelmişti ama bir zaman sonra alışmıştım. Oyun, aksiyon odaklı bir oynanış sunarken aynı zamanda bulmaca çözme ve keşif unsurlarını da içeriyor. Kontroller oldukça sezgisel ve oyuncuya hızlı tepkiler verme imkanı sağlıyor.


Resident Evil 4, serinin önceki oyunlarından farklı bir hikaye anlatımı sunuyor. Baş karakterimiz Leon Kennedy, kaçırılan bir başkanın kurtarılması göreviyle Avrupa'da bir köye gider. Ancak bu köy, zombi benzeri yaratıklarla doludur ve Leon'un karşısına çıkan kötücül güçlerin ardındaki gizemi çözmek zorundadır. Oyun, gerilim dolu bir atmosfer yaratırken aynı zamanda derin ve ilgi çekici bir hikayede sunuyor.


Resident Evil 4 benim için ve bir çok kişi içinde unutulmaz korku oyunlarından biridir. Zamanına göre etkileyici atmosferi, grafikleri, oynanışı beni içine çekmişti. İleride Resident Evil 4 Remake'yi oynarsam onun hakkında da bir inceleme hazırlayacağım. Teşekkürler:two_hearts:

Oyuna verdiğim puan: 5/5 ★

the best resident evil game ever and a catalyst for 3rd person shooters a truly genre defining game with some of capcoms best music monsters and madness

Bom pkrl, simplesmente lendário, só nn sou muito fã da ilha, mas que puta jogo bom, o jogo que me introduziu na minha franquia favorita de jogos