Reviews from

in the past

An old woman stumbles towards you with a raised pitchfork in her hands. You stab in her in the face, causing her to stagger backwards in pain. This gives you enough distance to pop her kneecap open with a 9mm bullet, and she falls to her knees in agony. The woman's head is now at the perfect height for you to spin-kick it into the piranha-infested waters like a toxic football, separating from shoulders that gush powerful jets of blood. The sheer force of your kick causes her husband to stumble, tripping a landmine in the process. The mine incinerates the dock you're standing on, and the rest of the woman's family with it; they melt away into chicken eggs and pesetas. The threat neutralised, you pick up your phone and tell your operator the name of this Spanish village is an unpronouncable mouthful. Bullets pierce the screen and you're praised for how effectively the family was slain.

You return to Resident Evil 4 for a lot of things, but I think the paragraph above succinctly describes the core loop that we all keep coming back for on the GameCube, the Wii, the PlayStation 2, the PlayStation 3, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5, the Xbox One, the Nintendo Switch, the PC and the Oculus Rift. The scenario might change, the enemies might change, the weapons might change, the graphics might change, but you are always controlling a baying mob in the cleanest, nastiest, most efficient way you possibly can. Bonus points if you can make it look goofy as Hell in the process.

Playing this right after Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, it's plain to see how this game was originally a forking point between the two series - both games are essentially the same implementation of a core idea, but choose to tackle combat from different angles of genre. At their best, the two games emphasise close management of an advancing enemy pool using a fairly limited toolset that flows naturally into the other aspects of itself: Knife to pistol. Pistol to kick. Kick to grenade. Grenade to egg. The movements feel primitive, awkward and unintuitive at first, but soon reveal themselves to be expertly crafted for natural achievement of a precision-flow state, racking up minor-yet-satisfying hits to keep a crowd under control while setting up scenarios where bigger and badder moves can be unleashed at the appropriate time. Put Leon in a red trenchcoat and I bet he could manage at least a few floors of Bloody Palace.

This replay of the game was inspired by a conversation I had with my younger coworkers last week when the topic of the Resident Evil games came up. As someone who spends a lot of time talking shop to people about people like Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya, it's easy to fall into the trap of evaluating these games as beautiful little puzzle boxes to be mechanically solved and understood - but spend ten minutes with someone who likes Resident Evil because they watched all the movies, and you'll discover that there are actually people out there who think Resident Evil 4 (in its current un-remade form) is as much stupid nonsense as your average Carry On film. I hate these people, but I do understand where they'e coming from - when this game originally came out, I bought it for my brother on his 14th birthday despite knowing he was deathly afraid of zombies and spiders and guns and all that; even worse, he was the type of person who said things like "you wouldn't actually say that" when Arnold told him to stick around. Resident Evil 4 was essentially his worsetest nightmare. I was selfishly buying a bowling ball for Marge, but unlike Homer, I never came to regret my heartless decision. Resident Evil 4 really is just that good.

Tank controls que exprimem precisão absoluta: jogabilidade de ação levada quase à perfeição por um kit de verbos que se complementa igual arroz com feijão, sempre um universo de ações possíveis disponíveis ao jogador que está ao mesmo tempo considerando estes verbos para resolver um puzzle em tempo real no agora e pensando no que lhe restará para o futuro, a dificuldade dinâmica muito bem calibrada garantindo que nunca esteja verdadeiramente tranquilo com o que tem na maleta, mas nunca também sem esperanças. Esse aqui é o caso de não dar pra falar o que já não foi falado: é ver pra crer que realmente é bom desse jeito.

Como nem tudo é flores: nunca é tão bom quanto as suas primeiras horas, e pra mim foi perdendo a magia progressivamente, com alguns piques aqui e lá - diluídos por confrontos batidos e set pieces irritantes - até um final meio xoxo.

Não o considero perfeito, mas me preocupo um pouco com o potencial que o Remake tem de despontar as garras do jogo na tentativa de trazê-lo mais perto da forma platônica do shooter de terceira pessoa moderno™.

RE4 é pra mim o melhor da série. Com um equilíbrio maravilhoso de quebra-cabeças, exploração, ação e carisma, ele entrega uma experiência praticamente perfeita de ação e horror, com momentos de tensão e momento de "que porra é essa", quando a Capcom resolve arregaçar na galhofa e bizarrice.

Resident Evil 4: The 2005 classic enhanced with the fan-made HD Project feels like a fresh release and almost makes me miss tank controls. I've played RE4 multiple times over the years (and chances are you have, too), but this time around I actually had a few firsts: trying it with KB+M, playing through Professional difficulty, and checking out the impressive RE4 HD Project. This game has been talked about to death (and back to life, now, with the Remake), so I'll keep to these few new things for me.

My 4.5 stars is an overall rating for the game, not necessarily these new things. If you haven't played Resident Evil 4, my review won't be very insightful, so I'll just say this now: this game is simply a must play. RE4 leaves a lasting imprint on everyone who plays it and it is truly a special, monumental moment in gaming.

KB+M: I tried playing with a controller first but ran into some input issues that I believe may've been caused by the HD Project, though I'm not certain of the cause. Regardless, when I switched over to KB+M, I was pretty shocked at how natural it felt. I'd simply always known the game with a controller ever since playing it on a PS2 seventeen or so years ago, but the aiming is undeniably better with a mouse.
With a controller, it's harder to look around your environment as the camera's adjustments are locked in where they can go. You can snap to your left and to your right and that's pretty much it: jerky, limited movements. Useful in emergencies where you need to know if you're being surrounded, but it's not precise and almost useless for actually looking around to take the world in.
With the mouse, you can look around in a more natural manner and compensate for Leon's shaky aim with ease. The keyboard controls are not a big shift from over a controller, either, as the game has very simple inputs. The only downside is you may find managing your inventory easier with a controller as opposed to a keyboard: rotating items is more natural fit with bumpers than with Del/Ins/PgUp/PgDn. Not a huge downer, but it's noticeable. I still recommend the swap for the far superior mouse experience.

Professional Difficulty: I see why this is locked behind beating the game first on Normal. It's painful and, frankly, absurd most of the time. Ashley will be dying in one hit often and you'll be lucky to survive two (before any health upgrades). Enemies hit like a truck from the get-go and even as you upgrade your health, you won't ever become a tank. You won't be hurting for ammo, strangely enough, there's plenty if your aim is decent and you know how to down enemies then finish them with the knife. I naturally conserve in games like this as much as possible and hate the feeling of knowing I could have done something smoother and with less waste, it almost always leads to the temptation of trying it again.
On Professional, it makes sense to do that because of the scarcity of healing items more than anything. If you get hit by some jagoff with an axe, not even a heavy hitter but just a normal guy in an otherwise clean run, the herb usage will feel foolish here. Nobody's going to do it for you, bud: you've gotta make yourself git gud. This creates a pretty poor sense of pacing for the game as it wasn't necessarily built around this difficulty, again it's why it's not even available at first; but for your Nth playthrough, this added tension creates an entirely different, likable (except the Krauser fight, that's just bullshit), masochistic structure. When a game you've already played before has you panicking at the crowds, checking windows for ladders like a madman, and thanking the Grenade Gods after a successful, life-saving, Ganado-clearing toss? It's instant replay value. Prepare to become Leon: The Professional.

RE4 HD Project: Breathing new life into the game, the RE4 HD Project is something I can highly recommend. The size of this thing is nuts and you'll have to download it in 18+ parts (unless you pay for Mega like some psycho), so it's not the fastest thing in the world to acquire, but once you've got it it's an easy install process and you're off. Your eyes will now see Resident Evil 4 how your brain remembered it way back in the day: the whole game gets a fresh coat of paint and every texture will feel crisp.
When you boot this up you should see some text in the upper left corner of your monitor saying 'Press F1 for settings.' Go ahead and do that so you can do what you've likely wanted to for years: widen the FOV. With the high def and vibrant textures you can now easily see thanks to the enhanced range of vision, I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say it'll look like a recently released game. We've all heard “old is gold” and while gold may never rust, it could do with a polishing. The gameplay has held up on its own just fine, but graphics age. Even the indestructible meme of Crysis got a remaster.
Also, something that's nice and worth mentioning: you don't need to “start over” at all. When I booted up the HD Project for the first time with Steam bringing my saved games from Cloud storage, I was able to boot right up into Professional because I had beaten it years prior. So if you're worried about your previous saves not working with the HD Project, I can confirm they carry over just fine.
The only gripes I can think of with the HD Project: some characters have a bit of a “thing” going on with their eyes. Most notably a couple cutscene Ganados, Hunnigan, and Saddler. Their eyes are open a bit too wide, definitely wider than the original had them, and with the sharper resolution it just has them looking strange. Admittedly, this may actually help Saddler's character as he looks even creepier. Also, the semi-auto rifle reload is for some reason only like 8 frames, making each reload with it a visually jarring moment. Like the keyboard's inventory controls, these aren't game-breaking, but they're there.

Resident Evil 4 isn't perfect: every single quick-time event, be it flashed at you milliseconds before impact during a fight or for some insane reason during the cutscenes, sucks; you're at the game's mercy of whether or not a 'dodge' is even offered, and again, it's a QTE; the inventory system could be so much better with minor QoL improvements (I know the Remake addresses this); the difficulty curve could be more finely tuned and the game ends weaker than it starts; Ashley is written in such a way that eventually you'll hope your rescue ends in failure. Yet all these years later, I truly think this game is incredible. Play through it again with the HD Project for a fresher experience and you're bound to have a blast!

Your right hand comes off?

One of the most influential games of the 2000s if not the most influential, with games releasing today still showing clear signs of inspiration from Resident Evil 4. Not just the series' best but one of the greatest games of all time. The perfect blend of horror, action, tension, and campiness.

The initial PS2 release of what to this day is still considered by many as the best in the series. Incredible action, memorable scenes and characters, and some fantastic enemy designs. RE4 has it all.

I cannot unhear it when i found out that Ashley has same VA as Sandy from Spongebob

Survival horror and third person action redefined

Resident Evil at a glance for the most part is a prodigious series in gaming, essentially bringing forth survival horror as a genre in video games and providing some of Capcom's best titles to date. It will come to a surprise that I've played every Resident Evil but 4, the almost undisputed landmark title in the series. It's not easy to ignore the constant praise the game gets (and rightfully) deserves almost the past two decades since its release back in 2005. With the remake making news and media rounds, I wanted to finally experience what people have been clamoring about and the discussion about the controls since to be honest, I was a bit worried I wouldn't like the game as much, tank controls aren't usually my cup of tea especially in a game that's more centric in the action than horror this time around. Resident Evil 4 stands to be a great package but it also feels like a jack of all trades and at most a master of one.

The story of Resident Evil 4 brings Leon S. Kennedy to a village in Spain to search for the president's daughter, almost felt routine at first but then things ramp up pretty quickly. Leon must use whatever he can to get through their lines to get Ashley out and escape in one piece but other players on the board have other plans for themselves. Leon is really snarky and quippy during the game and it's mostly entertaining throughout the game with a few standout moments but honestly, it's not much to write home about. The most humorous parts are the calls between the main villains and Leon himself just constantly belittling each other after Leon gets through an obstacle and the fact that it feels so unnecessary adds to the detail. Despite that, I feel like the story doesn't really make any sense due to a detail surrounding the villain wanting her to go home but still stopping you and making their actual plans known yet they do everything to get you away from her and leave that it kinda disconnected me for a bit. It feels more like a device for the characters and the game itself at that point and that was fine with me.

It's no secret Resident Evil 4 skewed towards action and less on making you uncomfortable and relying on pure horror to immerse yourself in your surroundings. The path of resistance is strong against Leon and all he has are the weapons at his arsenal, a knife and a merchant willing to sell him these tools of destruction. Resident Evil 4 relies on "tank" controls but they feel like the best iteration of them that I never minded them at all. To this day, they feel fluid, movement feels fast paced yet methodical with the way quick turning and aiming works. Personal space management, where to aim, inventory management amalgamates into a timeless action horror ride that mostly keeps going. The puzzles and areas aren't too long and the boss fights are really fun with never a dull moment although I wished the game was a little less longer since I was starting to feel a little bit of the fatigue right at the end. Inventory management is almost a game in itself with how you manage your items in this satisfying feeling that almost feels reminiscent of Tetris when shapes go together perfectly and allows you to really make the most of out of each slot since items are not equal in size all the time, a rocket launcher is not gonna take the same space as an egg for example.

Time has served the game well, playing the PC version on a Steam Deck makes the game still look incredibly gorgeous to this day. The models and lighting work really did wonders here and the almost gritty feel really helps here. The use of music is great here with high paced music playing when there's enemies nearby and the music immediately cutting off into silence when the last enemy has been dispatched giving you that feeling of relief that another part is down. As always, Resident Evil safe room themes are always a great calm before the storm and 4 is no exception.

I understand the love for this game a little bit more after playing it, the action is great, the music is great, even the game still looks great to me. The story itself could use a little bit more work and maybe cut down a little more but it still made for this cohesive action horror experience kept you on your toes. I even glossed over Ashley herself as she didn't feel that bad either, I only had her die once but she's been great at staying alive in my playthrough but maybe I was lucky, the escort stuff wasn't that bad at all. But I digress, Resident Evil 4 in my opinion deserves the praise it's gotten over the years. With the remake widely available now and my own preference for the action the remake provides, I might not return to this one but I'm glad I had the chance to play it with pure eyes and see that the game is great and still is.

Precursor dos jogos de tiro em terceira pessoa da atualidade, gráficos incríveis, personagens cativantes, gameplay viciante. Só não é perfeito por conta de algumas seções repetitivas.

I've heard people describing RE4 as a "Lightning in a Bottle" type of Game, something that makes sense at first, until you realize every single one of Capcom's Studios was putting out Bangers after Banger the same year this game came out (God Hand, Shadow of Rome, Killer7), now that doesn't mean it's bad, quite the opposite! What am I'm trying to say here is that either @ Capcom back then there was something in the water, or they put something in the water themselves.

Whichever illegal substance/s those Developers were making use of back in the 2ks, I want some too, but more importantly, current day Devs (Capcom's Included!) desperately need it the most, as the majority of AAA games nowadays are pure calcified horse manure, not the kind used to fertilize crop either, the inert one.

There is no need for me to add anything, this was more of a rant than a review, not that RE4 needs yet another review, we all know what this is and how it plays. This game has been ported everywhere, it's on your phone, on your fridge, in your car, go play it and have a blast. The remake is good too ffs!

Playtime: 18 Hours (Main campaign only)
Score: 10/10

Resident Evil 4 always was and still is my favorite Resident Evil game! Granted I haven't played the RE2 or 3 remakes yet, but only 7 was able to come close to this game for me. I never played the original games when I was a kid and this was my first real introduction to the series. The story, levels and weapons still hold up and the general vibe and atmosphere is still legendary for me! Leon is still a great protagonist to play as and the gameplay loop of killing mobs of enemies while still struggling to look for ammo and healing items is still so satisfying to play through. Yes this game may have taken the series into more of a action route, but I'd argue this game still kept the formula from previous entries, it was just Capcom who learned the wrong lessons from it.

I was also surprised at how lengthy the campaign was, taking me almost 20 hours to complete which is great value these days. Plus you get to do new game plus with newly unlocked weapons, play through Ada's mini campaign (which if it was done now it would probably be DLC), mercenaries mode etc. Only real downside for me was the giant escort mission you had to do with Ashley who has the worst A.I. pathing ever! There was one time when I was running away from a boss and instead of following me, Ashley decided to just stand still and get killed! Thankfully you don't have to protect her for large chunks of the game and most of the time your just alone as Leon, which I feel is where this game is at its best!

There's already talk of a remake of this game, and how they want to cut out large chunks of this game which would be immensely disappointing. I would expect all the content from the original plus new content for me to be remotely interested. Also if they could improve Ashleys A.I. too, that would be great. But otherwise this original game will always remain a classic in my mind!

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Peek of the Resident Evil series. Great game and great story with great gameplay. Funny too.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

Resident Evil 4 packs a heavy punch in all departments you could want from a horror action game that’s essentially the closest thing to the best horror B-movie you’ve ever seen. While the cheese is ripe and manifested through its characters and hilariously inept dialogue, it’s supplemented with gameplay that is ultra stressful and ultra satisfying.

The only other RE game I had played up to this point was 5, and I honestly feel like revisiting it at this point now that I can see the framework a lot better. Controls in RE4 were a bit hard to wrap myself around, but once I got used to them, I started to understand that it was a core part of the gameplay and how dangerous encounters can feel if you don’t fight for some breathing room. In my still in-progress review notes (and playthrough) of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, I said that I loved how “manual” the game felt in how you feel like you have a lot more precise agency over the protagonist’s actions, and the controls of Res4 definitely apply to that as well. There’s a handful of encounters where this tension almost feels suffocating, and they were some of the most memorable parts of the game. Coming back from RE5’s kinda lame inventory system, I quite preferred the briefcase mechanic and how you can only carry what you can fit in there, which helped a lot for prioritizing what you value the most in gameplay. Although I never really organized it until near the end of the game so you could open mine and it was just a mess of guns, ammo and herbs. I also had a sneaking suspicion you can rotate items in your suitcase and I never found out how to. Oh well.

Progression of the game in terms of setting and atmosphere is super cool and never feels sporadic. Starting off in the forest area overrun by dilapidated buildings and crazed villagers is an iconic first act to the game, and the transition to the castle and its lustrous halls filled with murmuring, terrifying cultists and bloodthirsty mutants is both seamless and grand. This leaves the final act on the industrial island, populated by turned American soldiers throughout laboratories and stormy shores. The journey itself feels fantastic and totally works to lay down the scale of the situation with Las Plagas and how far it stretches. Alongside all the enemies, some of which are absolutely terrifying like the Regenerators and the chainsaw ganados. The bosses for the most part are pretty simple and provide unique challenges, and I did enjoy all of them as well. Krauser was definitely my favorite due to its closest resemblance to what I understand as a boss battle after beating Sekiro 4 times.

I simply just was not prepared for this game’s tone. The only experiences I had up to that point with this series was 5, which played it mostly straight despite having a bit of a Jean Claude Van Damme action movie vibe. As well as drippings of 7 and 8 being ultra terrifying. So imagine my shock when I go through the first hour of the game, expecting something that feels grim and terrifying, and I get lines like “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?” and “Sure you boys didn’t tag along just so we could sing Kumbaya together at some boy-scout bonfire.” This atmosphere of the game creates a bit of a rift between the more scary and stressful gameplay and cutscenes where Leon Kennedy is about to say the most hilariously inept one-liner you’ve ever heard or is trying to hit on one of the women in the game. This all felt kind of confining at first, but when I got around to it, I loved it. There’s a pretty well-defined difference between lines where they're trying to be goofy, like "your right hand comes off?" and "hate to say it but we’re sandwiched", but then there's the ones where they're trying to be badass and it only comes off as funny, like "no thanks bro", “Monsters. Guess after this there’ll be one less to worry about” and "insects' life doesn't compare to human lives". I almost always am more entertained by the latter.

There’s not a lot I could say I disliked about the game overall. The QTEs during cutscenes are almost always really annoying, I don’t mind them that much during combat/boss fights, but please chill during the cutscenes. Let me get a second to drink water without having to mash X and C. I also feel like the time at the Castellan castle starts to drag a bit near the end of Chapter 3 and beginning of Chapter 4, and the music was somewhat forgettable, more specifically the battle music. The ambient stuff that played while roaming most areas was usually super cool and gleefully offputting.

I am a little worried about this game’s remake having the darker tone it does. As I said, this is kind of where I was expecting the game to go when I first started it, but I was both taken aback and eventually rehabilitated when I realized the game had a much more cheesy tone. I simply cannot imagine that newer colder version of the game’s atmosphere having that cutscene where Luis finds Ashley and Leon at the castle with something for them only to pat himself down and say “shit, I think I dropped it on the way here”, then leaves and says to Ashley “stay with Leon, he’s good with the ladies”. One of the most hilariously pointless cutscenes I’ve ever witnessed and I never don’t want it to be a part of the game, so we’ll see how that all turns out in March.

If someone told me they didn’t like this game and asked if I wanted more of their opinions, I would simply say “No thanks, bro.”

I think often about how this game takes place over like a day and half. usually when i hit the gym i can handle like an hour or so of lifting, and then im spent for the day. i think after the del lago fight if i was leon i'd throw up and try to walk back home

the most "WHAT THE FUCK" game of all times. not for being "weird" or convoluted or anything like that, but because you will be constantly saying "WHAT THE FUCK" throught the entire experience. if you know, you know.

absolute banger, one of the greatest of all times, shinji mikami is a goat.

Shinji Mikami literalmente creo el mejor videojuego de accion de la historia y se fue a hacer God Hand sin elaborar.

os controles envelheceram como leite
os quick time events são INSUPORTAVEIS
e a estória pra mim é meio fds

mas o resto é legal


One of the best games of all time , this is a must play for everyone. Good game, with a superb pacing, good controls, a good variety of scenarios, situations and enemies, makes this game more than memorable. Good experience and good extra content.This is peak resident evil and peak gaming in general.

What i'm doing here isn't a critic, just a compliment. This is my favorite game of all times and the peak of the resident games before they completely lost notion of what they were doing. The game has iconic characters, like leon itself, the merchant with his famous "hello stranger", that is remembered till today, besides all the villains and it has an good enough history. But for me the best part is the gameplay, besides being revolutionary when released, which I didn't know when i played, it was just so fun and well made, plus the briefcase is the best thing made ever in a game, it's very fun. It's a great a game that receives the due credit to it's greatness.

There's nothing left to be said about it at this point; it's best in class for third-person shooters and my goty 2005.

Only thing I can add to the conversation that isn't commonly communicated is that I do like that your aim isn't persistent (it defaults to directly in front of Leon every time you set up your aim) and that the game operates under tank-controls along with standing in place to shoot. I think these restrictions are what give the game its depth, and are why all the shooters in the 7th gen and beyond are stuck in its shadow.

If I had a complaint, the difficulty curve is uneven. Chapter 3-1 is the last interesting fight in the game following a typical arsenal growth path.

I've played this for thousands of hours across numerous ports. It's truly outstanding.

Joguei só até a parte q tem no castelo mas é um baita jogo. Um dia voltarei pra zerar esse game.

>> Prós
• GRÁFICOS : São bem bonitos para a época.
• CENÁRIOS : As florestas e o castelo são mt bem feitos.
• MODO MERCENÁRIOS : Ada Wong, apenas a patroa.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Leon e Ada.

The greatest video game ever made. It has the most replayable single player campaign ever created. Interesting weapons with customization, alternate costumes that impact gameplay, and the tightest gameplay loop make near perfection. It has one section that does not hold up in comparison to the rest of the game (the island), but this level would still be a standout in most other games. Fun story, great characters, and just a damn fun experience from beginning to end that makes you want to start right back up again when the credits roll. Best game ever made, highly unlikely this will ever change.

(played with the HD project mod on PC)
good ass game, quite possibly the best action shooter i have ever played in my entire life! also GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH SEX WITH LEON SCOTT KENNEDY RESIDENT EVILLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 jogo de 2023, este jogo é mt divertido porém tem umas coisas que nao da pra engulir, zerei em call com um especialista no assunto e foi meio estressante mas foi legal, quero jogar o remake algum dia

I imagine Shinji Mikami’s pitch for Resident Evil 4 was “What if we actually made a good one this time?”

What impressed me most about Resident Evil 4 was how there's such a consistent sense of tension, both from a horror and an action perspective. I love the mounting pressure everytime you miss a critical shot as an enemy dashes straight towards your character, contrasted with the more ominous moments where just the possibilities of what's around the corner keep you on edge. There's some aspects that mess with the immersion, like unnecessary Quick Time Events and having to readjust the brightness just to navigate several areas, but most of the game does a great job of balancing unsettling atmosphere with entertaining gameplay.

Best Action Horror game to date. Cheesy, Hot protagonist, one Liners, fun gameplay, hard to pick up but easy to master. Great visuals and sound design too. The reload animations are fun to watch and the enemies are still quotable to this day.

One of my favorite games of all time. I don't care about tank controls.