Reviews from

in the past

Não sei quantas horas passei nisso, talvez menos do que o 3, mas me divertia demais com os mods (devo ter pego uns 40 trojans), só parei de jogar quando meu note n aguentou mais

I have a love hate relationship with this game. I love building and decorating houses and designing and playing with sims, but I don't know if it's my pc being unable to handle the packs I have (16) or EA's incompetence, but each time there's an update (which is very common), my pc has a stroke (freezing, stuttering, windows sometimes not loading) and I have to uninstall the game to make things normal again. After the third time I gave up. Maybe when I get a computer from NASA I will play it again. Also the packs are expensive. Great game, awful developers.

Nowhere near as good as its predecessors, but still fun whenever I get addicted to it ig?

Simulador de interior de design. Os sims são uns imbecis e tem muita DLC. O 3 é melhor

its aight, gets boring after a while (without mods)

It's a great game when you know how to get the DLC for free

the lag, terrible ai, and dlc pricing really just define this entry, huh?

sucks in almost every way imaginable, im still playing it

The base game just doesn't have much content at all. I haven't played any of the other Sims games (yet) but they all just look so much more appealing.

There is a lot more content in the Sims 4 but it's all through DLCs and microtransactions which are all way too overpriced for what they offer. Some packs are as expensive as full AAA titles and you only unlock horses or something.

Good game if you have a bottomless wallet I guess.

At least it gave us Jim Pickens.

Sims 4 brings out the worst of the sims franchise in terms of DLC.

solid. gets boring if you dont have music you like playing

This is available for free on steam and I downloaded it. Love trying to get the sim to reach all kinds of achievements, but I kind of cheated with the money cheat.

I made a slutty John Marston and Arthur Morgan.
(Also Tik Tok star Tophia Chu).

i’ve racked up nearly 1,000 hours in this game— so trust me when i say that it’s absolute horse shit. if you pick up the Sims 4 looking for substance, you’ll find CRUMBS of it the form of paid DLC. the modding community is the only reason this game is playable and fun.

eh, it was good except for the fact that IT BLEW UP MY MAC

Awesome and original game! It’s never not fun really, let’s be honest.

would be higher if you didnt ahve to pay a bajillion dollars a for a bajillion different dlcs

I made my Sim have sex with the Grim Reaper.

Thousands died for that cause.

menos meia estrela pois todo homem de the sims é feio. :(

Broken, unfinished, and boring as hell. You have to purchase a shit ton of expansion packs (which are obvious cash grabs) and download a bunch of mods to have a somewhat decent gameplay. I pirated all of the expansion packs yet I still feel like I've been scammed.

I still play it sometimes, but there is a big difference in the experience you get based on whether you have mods and packs or not. The base Sims 4 itself tends to be stale without them.

game is extremely boring without extensive modding and is constantly filled with game-breaking bugs, i'm looking at you wedding stories

I have a lot of fun with Sims 4 ( my 1000+ hour playtime is a testament to that ) but it is so objectively flawed and a downgrade compared to Sims 3. The base game didn't even have pools, the increasingly greedy DLC, and much of said DLC doesn't expand the gameplay but rather stack on top of it. I don't blame anyone who gives it a lower rating.

I don't think a game should require mods to be playable or fun

Não me orgulho de ser do tipo de pobre coitado que é viciado nisso.

Its a sims game, so theres not really a whole lot to say about it. It is fun, but there is not much you can do with just the base game itself- it's recommended you buy at least a few packs or install custom content in order to enjoy it more.

Woohoo! Atohteh! ! Shpansa! Wabadebadoo!