Reviews from

in the past

Honestly it holds up pretty well and is pretty impressive for the time, even though the controls are... something, and a lot of missions are just go around the dark maze that you can barely call level-design and find/kill something, and the weapons are hilariously unbalanced (the Kurosawa is infamous, but I beat the game on a four-leg with the machine gun arms (not the gatling), the beam cannon shoulder that has 80 ammo and does stupid damage, and the shoulder machine gun, and that build shredded). I get out of it with the feeling that I'm glad I played this even if it wasn't always great, and that's a good sign

Would put an affectionate 6/10 but that dogshit last mission docks it a point wtf was that

Very hard to play on my emulation device and a hard game but will beat

Aged impressively well considering the kind of ambition on display here. It definitely takes a while to get accustomed to the controls and the balancing is comical, but I have to respect it considerably for how well it sticks the landing for the most part.

Typed a long ass review but my dumbass accidentally closed all my tabs and I lost it all. In short, gen 1 is very good and has some of the strongest design ethos I've seen in any game. MoA is kino.

This review contains spoilers

Armored Core is a series that I was introduced through the 6th entry. I love that game and wanted to go back and play through the series. I played through and beat this once already on steam deck, but wanted to do so again on legit hardware, and since I was playing through the series. The story is barely a part of the game, I have tried to look deeper into it but there really isn't much. It's set in a world that was destroyed in a war, humanity moved undergrouind due to this and two companies (Chrome and Murakumo) are fighting for control of the old world. We as a Raven fight on both of their behalf, but this is were I get lost. It's revealed that it is an AI running the Raven's Nest and who is controlling the strong AC named Nine Ball. In one ending, we destroy a space cannon named Justice and see the Murakumo CEO get bricked afterwards. If we continue to the next ending then we can destroy the AI controlling Nine Ball and the Raven's Nest. It seems like Nine Ball was pitting the two companies against each other so that one would be destroyed and it could have a better chance at taking control, but I'm unsure. On to gameplay, jesus christ this has not aged well. Graphics are fine, I can deal with this. But, tank controls to maneuver your AC feels horrible. We also have to use the triggers to look up and down, making this incredibly tedious and sometimes impossible. While customization is an option and fun, there is not much room to be fast and have a good selection of gear (apart from the Karasawa, my beloved). Missions were alright if not a little tedious, it was extremely annoying to melee enemies at times or to interact with buttons. The worst part is the platforming, especially on the final level. I did not want to do it again, so I skipped the Nine Balls at the end and simply ended it. The lack of the arena detracks a lot from this, and after ending the game I had no intention to go back and do the alternative missions. The story was lacking overall and gameplay was tedious, though it did shine through at times.

Short and sweet. An all around fun game with little to complain about asides from a couple annoying missions (especially the final one).

The different parts are interesting to play around with and can really change up how your mech plays. The money system is interesting and encourages you to keep tweaking your mech to waste as little money on ammo and repairs as possible.

The missions have some decent variation. Maps themselves are mostly narrow, maze-like hallways but there's a bunch of different locations so the level design never got tiring for me.

The story is basically non existent but I found it to be a nice backdrop for missions. It's funny how forthright companies are about having you do heinous shit, they'll casually ask you to terrorize a city and directly explain it's so that the citizens will pay them protection money.

for me, it's a really good start to the series, already has its age, but for me, it's like wine

It can be clunky but there's so much to experiment with and sink your teeth into that it's worth pushing past that initial difficulty. I liked it, but I have yet to check out the other Armored Core games. I oughta do that...