Reviews from

in the past

Played this and enjoyed this as a kid. Have fun and managed to complete all the stages and beat the final boss, along with bare knuckles 2.

Its actually insane to see how Sega turned what may be the best beat-em-up oat into a miserable slog.

My only problem with the American SOR3 is with the difficulty, enemies can drain your HP within a few seconds, and they usually circle around you so fast you can hit them.
This game is what Streets of Rage 3 should've been.

There's no bullshit, the control is amazing (something you wouldn't notice in sor3 because you spent most of your time playing getting knocked down), and, hot take, I fucking LOVE the soundtrack. It fits the visual style and tone of this game perfectly.

In my opinion, this is the definitive Streets game. The ambition paid off.

Better than the first game, worse than the second, and the weakest in terms of soundtrack, this was actually a lot of fun to play. I can't read a word of the story in 'Bare Knuckle III' but I'd rather play a version of the game that's balanced properly than play a butchered English port because Blockbuster wanted those re-rental payments.