Reviews from

in the past

short, sweet, very replayable, has amazing dialogue, and very consistent artstyle.

This game genuinely has the best rpg system I have ever seen, to the point that making it a solely battle focused roguelike actually IMPROVES the game, because you get to focus on the killer rpg gameplay. Maybe a little difficult, even on easy mode, but you get used to it...

A must-play experience for lovers of rougelites and turn-based strategy games. Fuck it - it's a must play for people who own computers and have hearts and brains. An emotional and poignant narrative wrapped in the beautiful package of a unique combat system, with visual and auditory fixings that suck you in completely into the wild world of Brutal Orchestra. Can't stress enough how incredible this is.

A fever dream intoxicated by a gut-slapping, face-punching atmosphere. Brutal Orchestra is tight, understanding that roguelites are also about trade-offs, not just progression.

Some call it charm, some call it quirk, but Brutal Orchestra has attitude. An attitude reinforcing not only its visuals, sound and atmosphere with oppression but also its mechanical aspects.

It's easy to say identify what is "peak" or not. Simply stand on the foot of the mountain, point your finger on the highest point of a mountain, and tell your peers it is "peak". Unfortunately, it takes a very few people to climb a mountain and actually stand on its "peak". Brutal Orchestra? It is the peak.