Reviews from

in the past

I cannot stress how truly magical it was to see this title on ads back in the day, then to play it, experience, and realize that the magic of life is 1 world for multiple worlds.
FusionFall is Cartoon Network's evolution and coup de grace of the CN City era, with the environments in those bumpers being expanded upon, in desperate struggle against the corruption of Fuse.
Times have past and this IP has long been abandoned however through efforts has been constantly revived, with the current most (6/7/24) definitive way to rexperience the original and all it's expansions via OpenFusion.
For MMOs I personally don't expect much from the combat however, because OpenFusion is (ofc) open source you can edit the code for singleplayer and unlock the quick switching combo system, this greatly increases the addictiveness of this title for me.
Many projects have spawned from this open sourced title and it's such a beautiful thing to see what fans have done capitalizing on that inspiration in the seeds that CN City has sewn into children around the world!

Played when it became free on my dad's PC. Was one of the first games I actually could run and play. I think I would feel the grindiness now, but fun while it lasted.