Reviews from

in the past

infelizmente joguei muito pouco, queria ter jogado mais...

It kinda sucks to play but it's charming in a way nothing else is because, I mean, fucking look at it? It's a Cartoon Network anime apocalypse MMO, possibly the most 2009 concept ever published as a video game. Surprisingly cool in some regards like the player outfits and enemies, but the gameplay is persistently dull despite some occasional challenge. It's something pretty much nobody would give a shit about if it wasn't for the aesthetics. However if they made this today it would probably end up being even more forgettable mobile gachashit so I'm glad you can at least take it for a spin thanks to a dedicated fan effort, because the novelty of the whole thing makes it a fun romp for a few hours. Playable museum of a bygone era.

I love this game so much, ran into all kinds of issues with it as a kid but thanks to Retro, I finally beat it back in 2019 and now thanks to OpenFusion and RetroBution, I can play it for as long as I want. This game is quite something else, I'd give it a 5 stars but I realized some of the game design faults after I visited it having grown up, either way, This is a special one for me.

Start and Finish Date here are based on my Retro playthrough
Original one I played from 2010 to the day it closed on 2013, I believe max level I got to was 19 back then

why is the combat just holding left click wtf? no wonder kid me never got far into this

I had no idea what I was doing half the time but that didn’t stop it from being pretty rad.

Jogo limitadissimo que envelheceu muito mal. Se tu não tiver um amigo pra jogar com tu (tmj guilherme 🤙), você provavelmente vai dropar ele muito rápido. As missões são repetitivas, o combate nunca muda, mas o fator nostalgia e os cenários, música e todo o resto da ambientação do jogo ganham pontos comigo.

Grigon Entertainment peaked with this ngl

Not as great as I remember, but I definitely still miss it; it had a profound impact on my taste in games.

Ben 10 could kick Dexter's ass even despite his redesign

Played from launch to the end. It was really good once it turned free to play, but when the main developers went bankrupt, the pacing of updates went completely down under and bugs kept piling. I always hear about people not having a good enough PC to play this game, trust me you did, it's just that this game was poorly optimized and the version of Unity was atrocious. You may or may not have seen me, was Sorrel Brutesap and Angel Marsrival (this was my alias on Retro as well). All I ever did was idle farm and explore the Unknown with groups of people and it was some of my favorite moments in any MMO ever. Trading was cool for a bit until people learned about Taros hacks and duping items. Wouldn't really recommend to anyone unless they really have nostalgia for old cartoons especially older ones featured on Cartoon Network. It may be worth downloading and playing on a private server and just having a look around, getting lost in the Forgotten Falls, or exploring and trying to survive in the Forsaken Valley. The game was announced when I was in Kindergarten and I've been a fan ever since. It was nice learning about shows that were older than me and watching them later on as I grew older. I definitely recommend playing with friends as you will feel alone as the streets are empty with no players just like the original was, even during the end of it's days. Hopefully someone will create a retrospective, a person who has actually played and experienced all there is to offer. This was nothing but a fever dream.

licensed kids mmos resurgence 2021

I had an E-GF on this game.
It was fun but it also ran like shit and crashed like every half hour.

the actual best game of all time

i remember playing this game on intel g41 express chipset at 13 fps after waiting for it to load for like 30 minutes and eventually blue screen because of the heat

miss you king, though it botched the adventure time characters by a lot. i forgive it

cn will never be this cool again

There was this one time as a kid when I climbed/clipped over a mountain separating a low level area from a high level one, and I couldn't get back because the monsters killed me and I kept respawning in the same spot. I think I just deleted that character

still has better worldbuilding than kingdom hearts

it's impressive how much nostalgia i have for this game considering i had basic cable so i never got to actually watch any cartoon network shows

I miss this game. It's been taken away from us permanently, which is really sad. I had a lot of fond memories as a kid, just going through this mesh of different Cartoon Network worlds in one.