Reviews from

in the past

Lo recuerdo con mucho cariño para mí yo de niño todo un juegazo

joguinho bem meia boca ngl
o começo é muito bom, atmosférico e interessante mas depois tudo decai com fases estressantes, platforming chato e estágios longos e arrastados.

uma pena porque esse tinha o potencial de ser um dos melhores da franquia, mas foi renegado a "bacana" mesmo.

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness is a flawed gem. It's clunky even for an N64 game, the graphics are muddy, and some of the design choices are frustrating. Still, the gothic atmosphere, the expanding movesets of the different characters, and the sheer ambition of the campaign make it a worthwhile experience for Castlevania diehards. This isn't the best place to start with the series, but if you have a fondness for retro difficulty and gothic horror, there's something worth digging up here.

Cornell & Henry story clear.