Reviews from

in the past

"Crash Bash" is a nostalgic throwback to fun party gaming sessions, but it falls short in terms of variety. While it's undeniably enjoyable to play with friends, the lack of minigame variety becomes apparent over time, leading to repetitive gameplay. Despite its shortcomings, the game still holds some charm, especially when revisited with friends in 2024. The classic Crash Bandicoot characters and simple gameplay mechanics can provide moments of entertainment, but ultimately, it's not enough to keep the experience fresh for long periods. "Crash Bash" may have its moments of fun, but it's best enjoyed in short bursts with a group of friends looking for some nostalgic gaming fun.

A mandatory game everytime i play with my friends in my elementary school era 🥲

crash gets bashed (gone wrong!)

As a co-op game, it's alright, runs out of novelty fast because there's really only like 5 minigames that you play with a bunch of variations, but the single player is a huge slog. Would only recommend playing with friends.

jogos que são ruins mas eu amo

É um jogo bom, legal pra jogar com um grupo, mas eu odiei a fase do coelho (canguru, sei lá que bicho era aquele). Ele dá um ódio mortal de vez em quando e ele faz uns bugs que eu odeio, mas é... é uma experiência

Honestly there is no reason to play this now-a-days but AT THE TIME this was the shit to play as a kid with family or friends. Intro is still burned into my head. Might still be worth busting out as a novelty.