Reviews from

in the past

Great game at launch then they ruined it. Starting to get better though

Never played any CRPG in my life before this game, the campaign is sick af i took my time exploring and learning bout this world but after you beat it the gameplay loop just do not work at least for me it become repetitive really quickly

Honestly don't have that much to say. It's diablo, if you like diablo you're probably gonna like this one. Leans more towards diablo 2 than diablo 3. Open world sorta like destiny esq world missions which is kinda neat i think? The way the skill tree is structured is really awkward though, yikes. If i have more to say about the late game i'll put it here but so far it's just Diablo.

I played through the story and now I'll get my Druid to Level 100. After that I'll star a new class. I guess I'm playing this for a few 100 hours.

Skipped all the story sequences, because it's so addicting that you just wanna keep going. How good the gameplay loop is really depends on the class you chose. If you get bored, maybe try another one.
Game looks and plays great but...

...what I really dislike about the game tho is that online is always required and there are micro stutters on every graphics setting. I don't know if it has anything to do with it being online all the time, but it definitely took away from the experience a little.
Also, this was a 70€ game and they are selling cosmetic skins for 25+€. 1 single skin! I don't have anything against a game that is getting supported for years and therefore they're trying to generate profits with some cosmetics.
I would support the devs and buy something, but I'm not spending 25+€ on 1 skin! I'd gladly give them 100€ over time when I put hundred of hours into this, but I'm not spending that amount on only 3 skins. Make them 5-10€ and I'll buy 10.

8/10. I'm taking away 2 points for always online (and the micro stutters) and gross business tactics when it comes to MTX.

Très bon jeu pour se détendre grâce au farm. Direction artistique très maitrisée.

Apesar de ter curtido alguns momentos da campanha e de ter achado a gameplay gostosinha, me dei conta de que Diablo não é muito meu estilo de jogo.

Wife’s Reaction:
“It’s just a whole lot of shing shing thunk blarg blerch bleeeeh ya know?”

A Hell of a Time Sink:
Diablo excels at being a game that you don’t have to think too much while playing. You want to stay focused so things don’t get out of hand with all the enemies, but it’s really just a good reason to squad up with friends and dick around while slaying hordes of demons.