Reviews from

in the past

another game where you click on things brought to you by the sex criminals at blizzard

I enjoyed it. It's a good podcast game

dropei pq perdi minha conta da gamepass e eu nao vou recomeçar denovo nem fudendo

Great game at launch then they ruined it. Starting to get better though

Never played any CRPG in my life before this game, the campaign is sick af i took my time exploring and learning bout this world but after you beat it the gameplay loop just do not work at least for me it become repetitive really quickly

Honestly don't have that much to say. It's diablo, if you like diablo you're probably gonna like this one. Leans more towards diablo 2 than diablo 3. Open world sorta like destiny esq world missions which is kinda neat i think? The way the skill tree is structured is really awkward though, yikes. If i have more to say about the late game i'll put it here but so far it's just Diablo.

English | Español

For whatever reason I failed to connect with it, its open world didn't appeal to me and its story didn't interest me. To say it's a bad game would be lying, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the previous one.

Sea por el motivo que sea no he logrado conectar con él, su mundo abierto no me ha gustado y su historia no me ha interesado. Decir que es mal juego sería mentir, pero no lo he disfrutado ni de cerca tanto como el anterior.

Jogo excelente. A história é muito boa e sem aliviar em nada, o que condiz com a temática. O gameplay é fluido e apesar de ser um pouco repetitivo em alguns momentos, temos grande variação de builds, inclusive dentro da mesma classe, despertando interesse de jogar novamente. A única coisa que me incomodou foi o pós game. É necessário um grindind muito demorado e massante pra upar e buscar aproveitar o que o jogo tem a oferecer nos níveis mais altos. Acabei perdendo o interesse pois já não estava mais me divertindo. Ótimo primeiro contato com a franquia, certamente jogarei os outros.

Quando joguei o teste de servidor, achei o jogo bem chato. Não sei o que eles mudaram para quando fui jogar (um ano depois de lançado), mas gostei bastante. A história é a melhor de qualquer jogo da série, e algumas missões secundárias são interessantes apesar da simplicidade mecânica.

No entanto, após a campanha, já queria trocar de personagem. Trocando, joguei com alguns outros pra ver as habilidades, e ainda tô curioso pra ver algumas coisas a mais, mas ao mesmo tempo a simplicidade mecânica me fez cansar. Provavelmente jogarei no futuro em outras temporadas.

I've been debating spending the money on Diablo 3 for a long time, but now that Diablo 4 is on Game Pass and I got a chance to try the series out, I can confidently say that it would've been a waste of my money.

It wasn't for me.

Que campanha maravilhosa, que mundo a Blizzard construiu nessa franquia, deram aulas em todos os aspectos técnicos, level Design do mapa e das dungeons são incriveis
Apesar do jogo ter diversas microtransaçoes e passe de temporada ele não te prende e nem te limita em nada na gameplay, tudo vc consegue jogando q é o mínimo mas só acentuando
Fora o endgame q parece ter muito conteúdo q eu não irei fazer mas pra quem gosta é um prato cheio.

If you look up bloat, it will show you a picture of Diablo 4

Don't see why all the hate, it's ok

Full disclosure: I have never played a Diablo game before. This review is for the campaign only, not the endgame.
After playing Diablo IV briefly during its free weekend, I was hyped to continue playing the game, and a brief subscription to Gamepass gave me the chance to do just that. I loved the game...initially. The first 8 hours or so that I played the game were awesome, but as I continued, I began to grow increasingly bored as I saw how shallow the game is.
The game is very aesthetically pleasing. It has great art, an engaging story set in a cool fantasy world, awesome-looking monsters and characters, and one of the best game soundtracks ever, a soundtrack that I still listen to on a weekly basis. Everything about it is great except for the gameplay.
Now, to give some context: I have not played any Diablo games before (although I've played a bit of Fate and Torchlight 2). So when I criticize the gameplay of this game, I'm criticizing it on its own merits. The gameplay is simplistic and boring. Almost every fight can be easily beaten by just sitting in one place and pressing a couple of buttons. A few boss fights are slightly more tough, but those can be easily beaten as well. The game is all about collecting loot, which in practice means that I keep ending up with hundreds upon thousands of weapons with multiple minor differences and arcane status effects, none of which matters because I can just stand in one place and hold A and win almost every encounter. The game somehow manages to combine two of my pet peeves: unnecessary "complexity" As far as creating a "build" goes, I just gave my Necromancer whatever seemed cool and he steamrolled through every encounter. There are two hard modes, but these are locked behind beating the campaign, and I have no desire to sit through something that dull for the faint possibility of a challenge when I have other games to play.
Finally, I have to say that I don't like the isometric viewpoint. Yes, I know it's a Diablo thing, but the world of the game looks so cool and I'm able to see so little of it--I don't even have the option to rotate the camera. Give me a game set in the Diablo universe, but with gameplay more like Skyrim or Dark Souls, and I'll play it to death. Heck, I'd even play a Dragon Age: Origins -style CRPG in this setting.
In conclusion, Diablo IV is a game that is as shallow as Vampire Survivors or Cookie Clicker, but hidden beneath a beautiful coat of paint that makes you feel like you're doing something more than mindlessly clicking or pressing buttons. I do not recommend it unless for some reason you absolutely need to turn your brain off, and even then, I'd recommend just putting on the soundtrack and going for a walk.
5 stars for aesthetics.
1 star for gameplay.

A treatise on why mob density is the single most important aspect of ARPG combat, something even Minecraft Dungeons. Giving you a horse is a weakness, no travel should be long enough without monsters to kill that I need a mounted companion, let me shield crash and leap slam to the next mob pack PLEASE.

I played through the story and now I'll get my Druid to Level 100. After that I'll star a new class. I guess I'm playing this for a few 100 hours.

Skipped all the story sequences, because it's so addicting that you just wanna keep going. How good the gameplay loop is really depends on the class you chose. If you get bored, maybe try another one.
Game looks and plays great but...

...what I really dislike about the game tho is that online is always required and there are micro stutters on every graphics setting. I don't know if it has anything to do with it being online all the time, but it definitely took away from the experience a little.
Also, this was a 70€ game and they are selling cosmetic skins for 25+€. 1 single skin! I don't have anything against a game that is getting supported for years and therefore they're trying to generate profits with some cosmetics.
I would support the devs and buy something, but I'm not spending 25+€ on 1 skin! I'd gladly give them 100€ over time when I put hundred of hours into this, but I'm not spending that amount on only 3 skins. Make them 5-10€ and I'll buy 10.

8/10. I'm taking away 2 points for always online (and the micro stutters) and gross business tactics when it comes to MTX.

Très bon jeu pour se détendre grâce au farm. Direction artistique très maitrisée.

Apesar de ter curtido alguns momentos da campanha e de ter achado a gameplay gostosinha, me dei conta de que Diablo não é muito meu estilo de jogo.

Wife’s Reaction:
“It’s just a whole lot of shing shing thunk blarg blerch bleeeeh ya know?”

A Hell of a Time Sink:
Diablo excels at being a game that you don’t have to think too much while playing. You want to stay focused so things don’t get out of hand with all the enemies, but it’s really just a good reason to squad up with friends and dick around while slaying hordes of demons.

Eu já tinha jogado os outros Diablo (nunca zerei), mas esse foi o primeiro que realmente me cativou. Desde a história, personagens, cenários até a gameplay. Tudo é bem feito e divertido. Bastante coisa para fazer pelo mapa e um grande números de missões que não são repetitivas.

Um ponto positivo para mim é que esse foi o primeiro que eu joguei onde eu tive uma vontade e tranquilidade de jogar sozinho, acho que pelo jogo ser bem dinâmico. Acabei não terminando por conta de querer jogar outros jogos, mas sem dúvida eu vou voltar nele logo mais

Simplesmente não consigo me importar com nada que acontece nisso aqui. Quem sabe retomo se sentir vontade de jogar novamente, mas é improvável.

This has to be without a doubt one of the single most infuriating games I have ever had the misfortune of playing. It was without a doubt one of the most miserable experiences I've had with a game in the longest time. It's just so very soul crushingly tedious and boring to play, I would say that Blizzard should just stick to writing books about Diablo but I know for a fact they would just mess that up too. I say this without hyperbole, I genuinely think that Diablo Immortal is a better game than this.

The campaign was delightful. Can't be fucked to engage with the rest of the game. Sorry.

I put in 50 hours to beat the campaign, but this was still a massive downgrade from Diablo 3.