Reviews from

in the past

Subsequent games improved on a lot:
The problem with Disgaea 1 is that it felt too much like a foundational framework to build upon. Story maps leave a lot to be desired, either revolving around tedious geo-symbol gimmicks (like scaleX3, silence, invincibility, and no-lifting), or nothing at all. Often stretched out into open areas where enemy placement seems to have been an afterthought. Additionally, chapter-ending bosses tended to be up-scaled enemies or just another encounter with Vyers. There are difficult spikes begging you to grind, but the item world, being as rudimentary as it is, wasn't a satisfying alternative. Here, the enemies are just as strong as they are in the story maps, limiting your ability to clear floors. Worst of all, skill positioning is severely limited, making mages my most used class by far.

The story is mid(boss):
The story started off promising, and I can say I enjoyed the banter between Laharl and Etna most of all. But the sheer naivete of Flonna really got on my nerves. Mid-Boss, with his fake-Dracula accent, wasn't much better and really overstayed his welcome. Around half-way into the story, it starts revolving around the Defenders of Earth, whom I was hoping would only take up a single chapter; I really started to lose all interest from there.