Reviews from

in the past

Persona 5 but better cuz they beat the shit out of cops.

Probably my favorite Alicesoft game so far (i still have to continue the Rance series). It also became one of my favorite eroge. Loved how it never felt boring or tiring, it's an incredibly smooth game with perfect art direction and soundtrack.

I also loved the story, everyone is very charismatic and i love the dystopian cyberpunk setting here, the game makes an incredible effort to put you in the shoes of a lot of different people so you can truly experience the dystopia.

The gameplay elements of Hustling putting you into the perspective of Kuma, the narrative elements they use on the unique girls' scenes to show all the underlying evil in the city and how the people who suffer through it manage to cope with it. I also love the political themes of how the fascist state operates and loved the decision to make revolutionary groups have selfish reasons and be anti-heroes, all this is linked together well.

It's an erotic game very sympathetic with maladjusted teenagers and young adults made by a bunch of weird otaku and it hits hard.

persona 5 if it was a good game