Reviews from

in the past

Honestly, I didn't like this that much. It feels unpolished and unfinished. I like the overall idea of the game, but it doesn't live up to its potential. 

Dragon Ball: The Breakers = Dead by Daylight.

Jogo cansado, me deu sono a proposta é boa... Mas a gameplay não, uma injustiça com os fã de dragon ball, um jogo esquecível!!!

I think the concept is cool, and fits nicely with DBZ. There’s some nice touches sprinkled throughout, I love how Cell starts as his larval stage for example.

But I think the survivors should’ve just been more original DB characters like Launch, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Chi Chi.
I also think randomly powering up into a doppelgänger of a Z fighter doesn’t really feel in line with the assymetrical concept.

It also reuses the same models and textures from Xenoverse 2, that look particularly bad from the close-up perspective of the survivor.

Oh, and the micro transaction system is horrendous.

I appreciate the attempt of exploring a new genre for a DBZ game, but I don’t think it’s worth playing. Makes me want to play a good asymmetrical game.

It's okay, it gets kinda stale. Escaping is really fun, some perks just feel like they just exist. I hate the gacha summons...