Reviews from

in the past

I'll pick this up whenever I'm in the mood to play a boring game, Thanks but no thanks easymac.

kept starting and stopping this one over months but just could not get into it. story never picked up for me.

I bought this game on a whim to use up my Gold Points before they expired based on the cover. I do not regret it.

Eastward is a story focused action adventure game in the style of old Zelda games with an art style inspired by Mother 3. The combat is ehh, left to be desired, partially because this game lags on the switch and partially because some enemies will just stick to you. A minor annoyance, nothing more than that. The shining star of the game is the story. Act 1 is predictable but for good reason, Act 2 is boring but for good reason, and Act 3 is where it all pays off. Most people I talked to about Eastward dropped it around Act 2, Act 2 is where the game sticks in one area for a majority of the game. You are there to get immersed, live with the city folk, and absorb the atmosphere. It's worth it, I promise.

Good game, definitely recommend.

P.S. This game is surprisingly raunchy and kinda vulgar even though the game looks very friendly. For example, there is a merchant that is a repurposed sex machine and whenever you complete a transaction, the display on the machine plays an animation of a woman climaxing. It's not graphic or anything...that's just what happens...

Falam pouquíssimo desse, amei de paixão.

I love the charming look this game has. just not the game for me

Eastward es un indie con el que es probablemente el pixelart más bonito que he visto. Visualmente es un escándalo, con detalles, animaciones y sprites de una calidad excelente de principio a fin. Una delicia visual que va acompañada de una banda sonora inspirada en los juegos retro de los 90 y que encaja a la perfección con las dinámicas del juego. El diseño del mundo me parece muy original y te invita a seguir explorando. La historia, desgraciadamente, no va de la mano. La premisa es interesante pero la trama se desarrolla de una forma excesivamente lenta y algunos momentos se hacen pesados. Eso sí, la mayoría de los personajes son carismáticos y bastante memorables. La jugabilidad tampoco es su punto fuerte, basándose en la resolución de mazmorras (tipo Zelda) y, aunque es entretenida, peca de demasiado simple, sin contar que para mi los combates tienen problemas de diseño a la hora de enfrentarse a enemigos. El juego de Earthborn tampoco me ha gustado. Como conclusión, el juego posee una bonita portada pero un fondo mejorable, pero al finalizarlo tras 20 horas de juego debo reconocer que he disfrutado del viaje. Recomendado para quienes quieran maravillarse de un apartado visual excepcional y un viaje entretenido. 7,9/10 (03/2024)

single father simulator. amazing art and even has dragon quest

Middle-ist middy middy mid mid game. It tricks both you and itself that it’s better than it really is from the top tier art and presentation (aside from asscheeks UI), but why go so hard for this? Took me three restarts since it came out just to get through it’s slog of boring combat and trope plagued story, becoming a contest of will for how long you could stand it’s vapidness 🤕

I had no idea what was happening at all times.

dis game looks so amazin i love da spritework so much aaaaaaaaa <3 <3 <3

also sammy is such an oomfie :3

Beautiful art style it was a treat to look at the entire time. I played the game while it was up for free for a few days on the Switch. Didn't love the ending but otherwise I had a really good time with it.

não foi o jogo pra mim, fiquei triste porque ele é MUITO estiloso e a estética é super interessante, mas a história não engatou pra mim e algumas partes ficaram tão chatas que eu não terminei, acho que deve funcionar pra outras pessoas, mas pra mim não clicou

While the story is oft times cryptic and the foreshadowing is thick as mollases in equal measure, this game feels like zelda had a baby with earthbound in all the right ways.

You will laugh, you will cry. you will shout why, and then you'll wonder if any of that made sense to do toward a game about Inevitability and Cycles