Reviews from

in the past

Really really cool concept. Crawling around with one arm was so neat. Excellent idea to make all the controls the mouse, making the player only use one arm just as the character is. The end dragged just a bit, but that didn't ruin anything, just made it a little worse. All in all, super cool, a bit scary, and a lot of fun.

very fun game, but comes with the challenges of its own design. clicking and dragging with your one limb makes sense, but causes me finger pain. it is also very difficult to switch weapons and reload. thankfully, the enemy movement is slow because of this, but trying to do these actions quickly (especially equipping and unequipping the right weapon, and with the small holes to insert bullets in for reloading) makes the experience clunky. I'm not trying to trash on the game since the ideas are really cool, but unfortunately they do come at the cost of intuitiveness. good thing the campaign is also short, and has a replayable rougelite mode if you really wanna master the system. I do recommend this game because it has a great original gimmick and is also a short game to boot if it doesn't fully vibe with you.