Reviews from

in the past

Half baked combat mechanics, middling cast of characters, meaningless and nonsensical story, bland level design and aesthetics, shockingly light dating elements considering how much of a selling point they were- this game disappoints on all fronts. The dialogue can be pretty funny sometimes, albeit severely lacking in taste. The game is also short enough that I was able to power through the simple combat encounters that make up the vast majority of the gameplay. Either way, just go play Persona instead. Hell, I heard Tokyo Xanadu is basically this but better.

Wow. What a fantastic game. There are some things that could have been a little better (like speeding up text), but I'm very impressed by this game. The fact this was mostly made by one person is incredible.

This is like a small version of a Persona game (when it comes to the day to day stuff and relationships) with action combat gameplay and purchasable upgrades. Highly recommend.

A pretty decent game the ending was a bit lacking but i enjoyed the ride

I reviewed this when it came out and my tagline for the review was "What's the story? Warning! Horny!" and I don't think I've ever been as proud of anything I've done in my life.

this game is like what non-persona fans think persona is. sia is cool though

played the demo and thought it was funny so i bought the full game and it was pretty good! basic combat but the story is good and funny at times, the ending is kinda lame but whatever

Eu entendo as pessoas que não vão conseguir jogar esse jogo.

O jogo é bem cru em alguns fatores e a história é de certa forma mediana, mas a pessoa que continuou jogando isso depois das 2 primeiras horas, viu que o criador estava realmente tentando levar aquilo para frente. As músicas são boas (principalmente a final), os personagens são divertidos, e eu gostei da mecânica de social link inspirada em Persona.

Essa review não vai ser uma biografia do criador, mas Eternights provavelmente é a macieira que dará grandes frutos para o Studio Sai criar um grande pomar.

While the story is a little spotty and the mechanics feel under baked, the overall gameplay feels solid enough, there were plenty of engaging an emotional beats throughout the game, and the characters were likeable enough for me to get into this game.