Reviews from

in the past

I went into F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate with low expectations. I liked the original, but Extraction Point felt really, really lacking.

Well, good news! I'm apathetic to this game's existence!

Tongue-and-cheek compliment aside, Perseus Mandate feels like a better expansion. The story is still shallow, but having a new cast of characters feels fresh. The new enemy types are less boring than the first expansion's, and most of the expansion is combat focused, with some fun arenas. It's a lot of hallways and courtyards, yes, but it's nowhere near as boring as Expansion Point's subway hell.

That being said, it's still not good. It's just not bad either. The highs were low, and the lows were high. It's the perfect game to half-focus on while you're talking to a friend, but not something I'd waste my time replaying.

It's nothing, but that's better than being bad. If you have three hours to kill, and you're a completionist like me, then sure, give Perseus Mandate a go. But I promise you you won't be missing anything if you go from this straight to F.E.A.R. 2 (Though I wouldn't recommend that one either).

1st fear done, on to the 2nd!

The gameplay is still fun, it's more FEAR goodness. The new weapons and enemies are cool. That said, the story is...nothing, and the game goes on for too long. Play if you are desperate for more FEAR, and why wouldn't you be?