Reviews from

in the past

where have you been all my life

Yeah that's. the best game ever made

Чувствуется,что игру делали не бездари из Bethesda,а уважаемые отцы в лице Obsidian.
По оптимизации почему то игра стала в 10 раз хуже(буквально),хотя возможно у меня так совпало.
Просто при переходах в Стрипе у меня тупо крашило игру если делал это часто.
По геймплею добавили новый крафт,смену патронов,яды и т.д.Ничем из этого я не пользовался,ибо не было момента.Добавили врагам пойсон,хотя он работает через жопу,блядские мухи за 2 тычки накладывали 2 стака пойсона и я умирал за 5 секунд,а противоядия в нормальном количестве не было.
Им надо было сделать пойсон как в Дарк Соулс,но увы.
Рпг элементы просто на 10 голов выше чем в прошлой номерной части.Много запоминающихся квестов,мало квестов подай-принеси,стали более вариативными.
Реально лайк.
Но оптимизация и несбалансированные враги в некоторых местах оставили свой след на психике.
А еще в длс про казино у меня случился софт лок и я не смог его пройти,так же как и основной сюжет.Увы

had fun for a few hours, got bored. not really into the setting sadly

Apesar dos bugs tenebrosos, é um jogasso.

"Would a mentally ill person do THIS?"
[plays all the way through Fallout: New Vegas four times in two weeks]

"Every time you play this I feel like you're doing something completely different. I've never seen that Casino mission [Dead Money]. How much stuff is in this game?"

Joke's on her because I'm not doing different stuff. For 14 years I've been making Primm Slim the sheriff of Primm. Good karma, bad karma, how about a yee-haw for law and order in the fine town of ERROR: TOKEN NOT FOUND.

Obviously there's no shortage of Fallout: New Vegas glazers, but you're in luck because I truly cannot express how much I love this game. I have been pulled back into its vortex many, many times; if nobody got me, New Vegas got me. One of the most important games in my life, and one that I look forward to replaying in the future despite claiming to my loved ones that I'm done.

"I sort of tasted human flesh once. Mmm mmm good. Tell me all your secrets."

Why does Fallout 3 have a 4K update but not New Vegas? Both got the FPS Boost. What gives? Also if you wanted to license the Fallout IP to other studios again that would be cool. Plus who needs Spider-Man games when you have gamebryo Y-spam climbing? More Fallout! Get on it!

The main character being named the courier is a meta-commentary on Bethesda fetch quests

Alas, I fear the game is too jank, even in 2024. Sorry fanboys, but I vastly prefer 4.

Getting shot in the head at the beginning of the game is the best opener in a Bethesda/Obsidian game.

Best game of all time need I say less

simplesmente o melhor fallout, jogava muito no 360

holy shit. i see why people love this game now. one of the few games i have ever played where i felt the urge to replay it immediately after finishing it and then actually followed up on the urge until the end. probably in my top 10 games ever

This is the good taste litmus test. If you don't like this game you probably LOVE Arby's

Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

fallout new vegas?? more like fallout new peak

Fallout: New Vegas has always been on my list of games to play, but I have never made the time, especially since I mostly play multiplayer games. However, the recent show reignited my interest in exploring its post-apocalyptic world. My only previous experience with the Fallout series was a partial playthrough of Fallout 4 back in 2015, so I was eager to return to the wasteland and finally experience the story that I only heard great things about.

New Vegas provided an immersive experience with its detailed character development system that focused on the SPECIAL attributes. I liked the freedom to customize the protagonist and invest in different skills and perks that influenced the gameplay. The VATS was interesting to me, but I can't say I fully enjoyed the chance-based mechanic, mixed with the inconsistent bullet spread. Being a huge fan of FPS games, I just love being rewarded for having good aim. However, the game offers so much more depth, like hacking, lockpicking, and engaging in various interactions, all of which were highlights for me. Despite the lack of aim-based rewards, the game excels in rewarding good decision-making, offering a refreshing and enjoyable experience.

New Vegas starts with the player as a courier left for dead in the Mojave Wasteland after an ambush that left you shot in the head. From that start, the story becomes a quest for revenge, finding the man who shot you. Every decision carries consequences that ripple throughout the wasteland. There are no clear distinctions between right and wrong; players navigate forging alliances and changing the fate of the region. The story explores the deep and complex aspects of human nature in a world destroyed by disaster.

I completely understand why this game is a comforting choice for many players. With its multitude of gameplay options and diverse story outcomes, every playthrough feels fresh and engaging. Exploring the game was an incredible experience, and I might even consider replaying it someday. Despite being nearly 15 years old, the game still holds up remarkably well.

...and here I go on ANOTHER re-play. My last run of the game, I roleplayed a character with 10 CHR which effects companion nerve (taking the Ferocious Loyalty / Animal Friend perks too), only putting roughly 50 points or so into guns, pumping everything else into Skill-based stats. I let ED-E and Veronica do all the heavy lifting while I would provide some support. My character instead was the Mojave's biggest smooth talking, charismatic and equally degenerate gambling junkie. My character didn't give two shits about the conflict in the desert, he just wanted to get blitzed and play the tables.

My newest run: Louis Cypher. A pyromaniac devil of a man with the only goal of wreaking as much havoc on the Mojave as possible with deadly burning fire. All factions will be wiped out leaving nobody breathing in this wasteland.

Again, my favorite game.

Every quest is the most incredible experience ever. I militarized a bunch of Securitrons and established technofascism that's also anarchocapitalism. I love it to death

This game always has me coming back. Great story and gameplay with a fantastic mod community that will keep the game fresh no matter how much you have played and replayed.

Gdyby twórcy dostaliby parę miesięcy więcej na produkcje...

The best Fallout on the series, i know that this is the same commentary that has been told since the release of the game but i think this is the epitome of the fallout setting and with their dlc even greater game

broken game

also an all-time great. but it's a broken game

i've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle

El Fallout perfecto, vaquereo postapocalíptico

First Fallout game I have played recently, really love the game and has a very amazing story with a lot of choices and fun DLC content.

I have a weird tendency to forget how good a lot of games really are.

Like, NV is and always was a near-perfect 10/10 experience for me, but I kind of forgot how good it really is with time.

When I booted this game up again for my recent run, I ended up playing for 8 HOURS STRAIGHT. And it did not feel like that at all. That shit disappeared in an instant, that's how good this game is.

New Vegas takes everything Fallout 3 did and just improves on it to near-perfection. This game is what Vice City is to GTA III. A pure refinement of the formula to near-perfection. It's so funny looking back to see those initial launch reviews call this game a "glorified DLC", because honestly it doesn't feel like that at all. It has all the stuff from 3 sure, the engine and gunplay and such, but it's all just improved here. It takes everything fo3 did, threw away all the stuff that didn't work, and creates something that actually FEELS like a sequel to fallout 1 and 2, both in narrative, and in gameplay. Playing Fallout 1 has honestly given me a bigger appreciation for this game's quest formula and how it handles it's world, because it honestly isn't far off from what the classic games did. It really does feels like Fallout 1/2, but in first person. Hell even the map, for as much as some do complain about it, gave me that vibe too with just how much of fo1 and 2's map was just select named locations with desert plains between them all. Sure, it does mean you do need to go out of your way to find all the actual named locations that are worth exploring (I recommend either picking up the explorer perk or looking up a map online), but even with that this game's map still feels fun to explore and engage with all these years later. There's so much choice, be it in dialogue, how you accomplish quests/objectives, your general gameplay style, and much more. It's as much of a sandbox game as it gets, for this series at least. Every time I beat a quest, I think "man what if I did THIS instead?" and that inevitably becomes what I'll do next time. If you think you can do it, you probably can in NV, and that's the mark of a great RPG. I'm still discovering stuff about this game all these years later, be it stuff about the factions (which are already incredibly fleshed out despite the obvious cuts like with the Legion), quest details, gameplay, companions, and much more.

The only real things that haven't really held up aside from the general Bethesda gamebryo jank that's in basically all of these games is really the vanilla gunplay and specifically, stealth. It's really not a fun playstyle imho with how it's basically just for sneak attacks before inevitably going loud and nothing else and it's so easy to steal items so long as you either have a stealth boy or are out of the general NPC's line of sight (and sure, stealth boys are rare, but with how many you find just from doing come fly with me alone (which you WILL be doing early on) you'll have at least 5+ sitting in your inventory for when you really want it). But again, like before, that's an issue in basically every Bethesda RPG.

Only other real thing is the Karma system is really stupid and especially doesn't belong in this game. At least in 3 you can argue it made SOME kind of sense with just how basically every single evil choice was so painfully obvious with how comedically supervillain it was that you'd have to be stupid to pick it on pure accident, but here it just doesn't make sense. Why do I lose karma when I steal from LITERAL CANNIBALS THAT EAT PEOPLE? What about from the Legion if I DON'T agree with slavery and how they treat women?? Imagine if in Deus Ex you got an alert saying "YOU'RE BEING EVIL!!!" if you decided to follow orders during the first Liberty Island mission and kill all the NSF when you as the player don't know what UNATCO is really up to. It just makes no sense and it doesn't help that in this game it impacts absolutely NOTHING. Give me a red alert when stealing a certain item that if I get caught will gain me infamy sure, but don't pass me with that "stealing is evil no matter WHAT even if you think they're bad" shit. Let me decide for myself whether or not it's justified and let me deal with the consequences.

But even with all that, it's all minor at the end of the day. I can still play this game vanilla and have a great time, something I can't say for Fo3 or even some other Bethesda RPGs. Even on console, Xbox 360 backwards compat at least, I can have a good time. Which I did back when my old PC went under and I had to stick with my Xbone for a while (altho I've heard horror stories about the PS3 version and you should prolly avoid it). Some people'll say this game's overrated, and I can understand that to a certain extent with just how annoying some of the fans can be, but I genuinely do believe that praise is there and is warranted for very good reason. You'd have to be a pure frowning friends ass cynic if you wanna believe this game is truly awful, or at least not above average. New Vegas is just THAT GOOD, nearly 25 years later. It remains to be seen if this series will ever reach this high ever again, but even if it doesn't, I'll be comfortable replaying this for the rest of my life.