Reviews from

in the past

Straight men truly don’t get this game and it need to stay that way

women's stories matter. they just matter.

They did blitzball so dirty, 0/10 literally unplayable. Jokes aside, it's very fun that they did a direct sequel, it's not as good as FFX, but it's also not trying to be. The story is mostly fine, nothing too special, but nothing too terrible. I don't love that they undermined some of the themes of sacrifice from FFX, but whatever. The actual gameplay is pretty great - this might be one of the best versions of a job-based ATB battle system. Like a lot of games, you do eventually reach a point where there are only a couple strategies that dominate everything else, but for 90% of the game, the variety keeps the battling fresh.

Overall, a lot of fun. The game is light on story and heavy on side stories/content. It's tonally all over the place but at it's core it's a light hearted epilogue that does a fantastic job of showing the world of Spira after Yuna and co brought an end to the apocalyptic force of nature known as Sin.

The highlight for me would definitely be the fiend stories. From the Behemoth wanting to sell balloons to the flan that just wants to become the perfect dish, there's a lot of silly (and some incredibly dark, if you think too hard about them) stories here and while the process in unlocking them can be quite esoteric (as with a lot of this games design), I found them to be very enjoyable and well worth the effort required to unlock them.

Tried real hard to stick with this game but the combat system rapidly becomes boring and the cutscenes/story are just a massive cringe-fest that ruins everything that was established in FFX. This might unironically be the worst Final Fantasy game I've ever touched.

One of my most comically spicy hot takes is that Final Fantasy X-2 is better than Final Fantasy X and there's not a damned thing any one of you can do about it.

this game is a guilty pleasure, i really enjoyed coming back to spira and seeing how it and its people changed

- The sequel to Final Fantasy 10 and continues the story in some sense.
- The gameplay is actually the strongest part of this game with the sphere dresses and being able to have varied classes for each character.
- The plot is alright and isn't stress heavy, having a different feeling then FF10 is a plus in my eyes.
- The OST is alright, not memorable but is serviceable in the game.

The gameplay has improved and the "jobs" are back, but what about the story.
It works as a direct sequel to final fantasy X but it's pretty bad.
Yuna becomes an idol and sets out to find Tidus with her friend Rikku and... Paine?
Anyway, the story is really bad and it doesn't get better with time, but the gameplay and the affection for the characters half saves it.