Reviews from

in the past

this game is a guilty pleasure, i really enjoyed coming back to spira and seeing how it and its people changed

One of my most comically spicy hot takes is that Final Fantasy X-2 is better than Final Fantasy X and there's not a damned thing any one of you can do about it.

This was a confusing and conflicting play.

I played this right after FFX to find out where they took the story. I prefer the combat and gameplay in this one over X and about 1/4 of the game had me interested.

But then it all just fell short and started to get stale. I was super bored in the last act of the game even though the game is quite short for Final Fantasy standards. I also can't mention how annoying the character "brother" is. He is such an odd guy!

women's stories matter. they just matter.

Straight men truly don’t get this game and it need to stay that way