Reviews from

in the past

If you ever want to play a star wars story with the serials all filed off, this is it. A weak protagonist, a weak story, a weak world, all the best things about 12 are the mechanics. Some of the fights are really fun, and the game is very content rich.
12s real utility is being the benchmark to judge all other ffs on. Worse than 12? Dogshit. Better than 12? Good. Its entirely middle of the road in am aggressive way.

Balthier deserved better than to be sidelined in his own game.

This game could have perfectly been the best Final fantasy but it failed in a couple of very important things: the characters and the story.

It has in my opinion the best universe of all, Ivalice.
The world is full of side content and variety in characters, races, monsters, cities, fields, deserts, beaches, mines, caves etc etc etc etc.

The battle system changes drastically with respect to the previous games by introducing the Gambits system, with which you can program quite precisely how you want your characters to act in any situation.

The progression is also interesting, based on a board that you have to fill through experience to equip yourself.

However, as I said, the characters are irrelevant and boring except for a couple of them, and the story is a simple political brawl.

A game can, in fact, have too much content.

- Skipping on the Final Fantasy MMO games, this is the second mainline soloplayer game on the ps2.
- The gameplay is alright with the maps, moving around and developing your character to fight "world" type bosses and enemies.
- The plot is sadly forgettable and that includes some of the characters in the game.
- The OST is good but not memorable either outside the game itself.

Aside from nice character designs and a fun open world combat system this game is bad. The story is a directionless half-baked star wars rip-off filled with bland characters, especially the main one. It was fun to play but without a good story for motivation it later felt more like a chore to finish.