Reviews from

in the past

FE Fates is a mixed bag. Conquest offers more challenge and more mature story. It's probably the best of the three. Birthright allows backtracking and unit grinding, so a lot of the enjoyment there is laxed team building. Revelations is so insanely terrible that it brought down the entire package for me. I enjoyed aspects of Fates, but it's clear why the FE community hold it to so much disdain.

i dont have a foot fetish so it's meh

My first Fire Emblem and largely my gateway into games with actual characters and storylines. Looking back, the writing was mostly nothing special, but I really enjoyed building up character supports. And I didn't really know what I was doing, but I guess the gameplay was engaging enough for me to play through all three routes to completion.

holy moly the story sucks
I started, and then proceeded to quit playing every route