Reviews from

in the past

calma lá Scott, faz o jogo direito po

o que eu zerei mais rapido e sem medo

No se porque a la gente no le gusta tanto. Si, no es tan terrorifico o dificil, pero mira si esta guapo que yo lo jugaba a solas.

Genuinely my favorite fnaf game and my mind will not be changed

o corno manso n tem vergonha alguma de dar tp na sua cara o autista acha que é o goku,boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I guess it was just a phase since the movie came out.

5 noites com o cara que matou o frederico

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Extremely good addition to the orororororor series and i love the usage of minigames as lore. (Also underrated soundtrack or am i crazy)

origin game of one of the most iconic horror villains of all time, love the atmosphere of this game more then anything, Scott's a genius

Em questão de lore, até que ajuda bastante, mas gameplay....

See i actually wound up playing this on my 3DS uhhhhh.. but it was bugged,, i wasnt even really touching anything i just let my 3ds sit on the table and the vents and shit would freak but .. i never got killed!... so technically i did beat this before fnaf 2 but it doesnt really feel good or earned because i was just glancing back occasionally at a game beating itself on accident! but its so funny i cant not put it here.. i like how grimey and green this game looks though! and springtrap is awesome even though he sure does take his sweet ass time in this game
ill wind up properly playing it and maybe having more thoughts about this some other time i guess

I always come back... - dije yo al volver a jugar a cualquier FNAF por 8235079548327 vez

Jesus Christ what the fuck happened here?

get this purple yellow bunny bitch outta here!