Reviews from

in the past

Muito viciante, mas é claramente um jogo feito pra sugar a sua vida, as missões são um pouco chatas porque tem um tempo absurdo (em maior parte é só diálogo), mas se realmente quer saber, é um ótimo game pra passar o tempo

um dia quero terminar o jogo
as horas não devem estar precisas, é um estimativa

3D models are terrifying, plot is too long and complicated, the game itself is really difficult, very boring, the only good thing are some of the characters, but only a few... Also, literally copied Breath of the Wild and for some reason became more popular...? Everybody talking about this poorly made gacha, when BotW is right there... And don't get me started on the character designs-

On the other side, the map is really big and wonderful. It would be great to explore it if only the graphics and 3D models were decent enough. If only. I still play it sometimes to see my favourite places or characters- even though I close it right after.

wow the story is so cool ok now when does the actual fun gameplay start
the fuck do you mean this is the gameplay??

Con todo lo que este juego quiere copiar el mundo abierto de Zelda BOTW y la acción de DMC. ¿NO LE PUDIERON COPIAR LO BUENO?. Tremendas 10 horas perdidas en este bodrio.

good game if you give it a chance, however the characters tempt you a TON

eu daria nota 0 mas nao tem essa opçao.

я не играл но понимаю что игра топ это все понимают. Кто этого не понимает тот долбаеб

Eu acho que não tem outra nota possivel pra genshin. Um gacha RIDICULO, mas que no final das contas, me deixou jogando por um BOM tempo. Meus pesames se voce ta jogando isso, mas o jogo é horrivel.

pretty grindy and i dont appreciate how difficult it is to get gems but its fun

I think the more money I give this game, the more likely the anime girls are to jump out of the screen and become real (I am delusional)

absolute trash that i was into for a bit in my ps4 era. if it ever comes to steam i may dip back but all the currencies and shit are so broken like my leveling was so fucked i need a whole new save

Love the storytelling and worldbuilding and characters. Love the world exploration.
It's a gacha game though. Be aware of that before you enter this world!

BotW but just a hair more fun to play. I said what I said. And it's free!

Un zelda, avec de beau graphisme et une belle histoire, mais ptn j'me fait chier au bout de 20 minutes de jeux. JOUEZ A ZELDA

map beautiful, gameplay ok, history mehh, forgettable!!

Welcome to Genshin Impact, a game that is, in my opinion, all work, no play.

Genshin Impact's primary setting is the world and continent of Teyvat, a continent made up of seven nations governed by seven Archons who all have a unique relationship with their nation. In this game you play as one of two siblings, Aether or Lumine who're ambushed by an Unknown God who splits the two of you apart, starting your journey to find your sibling.

Lemme start by saying that I don't hate this game, I just also don't feel anything particularly special towards it. This game does have things going for it, such as the characters, their interactions and the amazing artwork that the game has. It is very clear that the developers love this game and are trying to craft something genuinely enjoyable, I just have my own personal gripes with this game.

My main and biggest gripe of all being grinding. This is what I mean by all work no play. When you're not doing the story content and the mostly boring and repetitive events, you're grinding for your characters. Grinding materials to level them up, increase their max level, increase their talents, getting them artifacts to boost their stats and levelling up their weapons. To do so, you'll be doing the same repetitive domains over and over again until you have what you need. When you've fought a boss so much in a short amount of time, any impact that boss had is eventually lost completely.

I remember being amazing when I first discovered the Hypostasis or the Regisvines, but the more you grind, these otherwise cool bosses feel more like roadblocks between you and that Level 90 Wolf's Gravestone you've been working on.

It's because of this that the game starts to feel more like a chore than a game, sometimes logging onto the game JUST to grind. It upsets me because I do have an interest in the world and story, I do like the characters, but I cannot tolerate how tedious building characters in this game feels.

I hope years down the line when the game has an actual conclusion and the devs work on more side content to expand the game that it's made more fun or that grinding becomes less of a problem, but honestly, I don't see that happening.

40 lucas y mas de 100 horas para una mierda de juego

Eu joguei por muito tempo esse jogo e gostava, porém acabei cansando por causa do gacha
Tenho mais de 500 horas nele

Breath of the Wild clone but worse in every way

really bad with updates on release and even the content now is still mid and i havent played in years fast travel to the island

Enjoyed my time with this, but by the time that Sumeru came out, I was just incredibly burnt out from the more grindy aspects of this game.