Reviews from

in the past

This game is really cool, though challenging at times.

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Eu achei

Eu achei o véio do portal

Its a very neat game just wish the side quests were better

Very very fun to platform and just do shit with the gravity physics. the combat sucks ass tho

I'm into this. It's kinda fiddly but I like the world and the character and flying about in zero gravity so yeah why not?

Very creative game with an interesting mechanic combined with a dogshit combat system with bad missions. Art style, characters and world design are all fantastic and the gravity mechanic is a lot of fun.

Still sucks they shut down Japan Studios as they were creating more interesting games than 90% of modern Sony's library.

Who's idea was it to put stealth sections in a game about controlling gravity??? Ass game fr.

I think this is one of my favourite games ever, it fixed most of the problems of the PS Vita version, and is an overall beautiful, and amazing remaster of the original.
My only issue with it is however that if you have motion sickness, I unfortunately recommend you to stay away from this game- I had to take regular breaks during my playthroughs, as my head would get dizzy, sadly, it is not for everyone.

But Kat is just such an awesome protagonist, and I just love the world that it has built and it's charming aesthetic (Glaring over my motion sickness issues with the game.)

Pra ser sincero eu até coloquei expectativas em Gravity rush quando joguei mas o jogo com o tempo só se mostrou genérico e com uma gameplay nada divertida e horrível tendo único ponto bom o desings de alguns personagens

Kat is my daughter and if anything happens to her I will burn down Sony's offices

How this game has such a large cult-following is beyond me.
I had an utterly miserable time playing through this with the nauseating camera, repetitive mission design which is made up of mostly fetch quests and of course the terrible combat which mostly relies on your gravity kick which is supposed to lock-on to an enemy but more often than not completely misses and leaves you wide open to get absolutely gang-raped by enemy bullets, not to mention how awkward gravity switching and positioning yourself to do the the kick is in the first place.
Sure, I liked the characters and the world and I had fun exploring the towns but actually playing the game was horrible, very disappointing.

I finally played the first Gravity Rush. After years of being a "die hard Playstation" boy, I didn't have this classic game underneath my belt. To finally experience it after not seeing a single ounce of gameplay in my life, I can appease myself and one of my best friends.
I think what really stands out for me with this game is just the ounce of love you can see that went into it. This was made as a passion project, at least in my eyes while playing it.
I haven't seen a world built like this or a game play so uniquely in a very long time.
With any mention I have of Gravity Rush, I feel gameplay has to be spoken about first.
A third person platformer but you can just fly wherever and anywhere you want. The world is like your own personal playgorund. The game twists and turns as you manipulate gravity to attack your enemies and traverse the flying city it's set in.
I really loved the gameplay a lot. It is so much fun flying from one point to another, sliding along the walls of a building and falling so fast, you can't remember if you're even falling down or up.
It's a blast to play but I do have issues with it in some cases. Being that it's full 360 flying with no limits, you can often find it frustrating to manevour in smaller spaces. One mission in particular was just an utter nightmare but that could be because the controls genuinely did take me personally almost the whole game to be a "master" at.
Every platformer in a lot of ways has this issue of frustration. Either it be an enemy getting in your way or the camera just flat out not cooperating with you.
Thankfully I found 90% of the game was free from those specific issues.
In terms of plot, I can't even begin to tell you what I just experienced. It's some serious Suckerpunch vibes at times where time, dreams and dimensions all come into play in a bonkers ass story that left me with ahhhhs and nani the f???
That is all part of the charm though. The wild plot mixed with the world makes for an excellent passionate experience that hits every "I didn't realise this aesthetic could be a thing but it's MY kind of aesthetic". Last game to do that for me was The World Ends With You.
The game blends a graphic novel approach to tell most of it's dialogue which I freakin adore. Same sense as TWEWY. There is something about it that I just can't get enough of.
Don't get me started on the music. MmmmmmMmmmmMmmm is what a reviewer would say if they could eat this games music.
It's so good. Holy crap. It's so good. Thanks to the whacky setting, you get a lot of really awesome dimensional songs followed by night club theme park vibes. It's great from start to finish. A lot of AAA games suffer from the "oscar bait" soundtracks especially Sony first party games but having Gravity Rush feature this excellent soundtrack is so wonderful.
Overall, this game makes me wish and double down on the idea that Sony made a mistake closing Japan Studio. Ape Escape, Gravity Rush, Shadow of the Colloseus. Games that made the PS2 and PSP days of Playstation really rock the world and have unique titles that couldn't be touched by other devs.
Gravity Rush despite it's flaws, shines as a fantastic getaway experience from so many washed out AAA titles we see these days.

I really wish japan studio was still a thing, this game is such a great and bizzare game that unfortunately we will never see on sony console, such a shame.

I was in a nostalgic mood and felt like re-visiting this one via the remaster.

It's funny how this game has all of the same problems as I remember, yet I still like it. The atmosphere is cozy, Kat is a fun protagonist and the gravity powers are still unique. No game out there plays quite like Gravity Rush. For better and for worse.

The combat stinks. Going up in the air to either launch a special attack or divekick towards pink balls gets old real fast. I would have MUCH rather Gravity Rush omit combat altogether to having this system in place. The story is also just fine I guess. The comic book cutscenes have a lot of personality to them and do help in setting a whimsical tone to the game. The music also helps a ton in this regard. It's a fun world to be in.

The thing I enjoyed doing the most were the gravity obstacle courses throughout the game. They often required I use the gravity powers in creative ways and were a lot of fun.

I platinumed this over the weekend and had a good time. Here's hoping the Gravity Rush 2 PS5 remaster is real. I'd love to revisit that one as well.

Fixed the framerate and now it gets the 5 stars it originally deserved.
A blast to play, a blast to experience and a blast to platinum.