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in the past

"Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition" presents a more modern take on the classic Harvest Moon formula while still retaining its core essence. One notable change is the more limited farming space, which shifts the focus towards dairy production and mining. The introduction of crop mixing mechanics adds a new layer of depth to the gameplay, encouraging players to experiment with different combinations.

Another significant addition is the ability to marry other girls in the game, providing players with more options for companionship. However, the game lacks guidance or hints regarding this feature, leaving players to discover it on their own.

The unique feature of the game is the aging mechanic, where your character grows old over time, and you can have a child who will serve as your successor. This adds a sense of realism and continuity to the gameplay, but it may not appeal to all players.

Overall, "Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition" is a solid entry in the series, offering a mix of familiar gameplay elements with some new additions. While it may not revolutionize the series, it provides an enjoyable farming experience for fans looking for a more modern Harvest Moon title.