Reviews from

in the past

*played as a part of World of Assassination

One of the best stealth games in existence. Spent way too long redoing missions with new objectives/finding all the interactions. Extremely fun.

hitman revela com discreto e sofisticado humor segredos sobre a logística delicada entre as crucialidades responsáveis pela coreografia do acaso

há uma reação em cadeia a ser interrompida, o resultado uma vez iminente está cada vez mais te convidando a corrompê-lo

pra lá com o efeito borboleta, a moeda que cai no corredor atrás da lavanderia só pode derrubar um lustre no saguão se tiver alguém disposto a decorar o caminho mais rápido e discreto entre os dois e percorrê-lo em tempo cravado

o triunfo do livre arbítrio sobre o cosmos duro, frio e determinista acontece pelas mãos do faxineiro agachado atrás do balcão pronto pra enforcar o mordomo e tomar seu lugar

e sem regresso no tempo (só piedosos save points, se quiser uma experiência mais fria): pra fazer certo de primeira precisa estudar a Caligrafia em que o Evento foi Escrito pra poder reproduzir a caneta, selando essa dança numa partitura

There's a bit where you can pretend to be a pit-stop engineer at a formula one race, knacker a car's wheels, and then they crash and die while you saunter out of the arena like a legend.

It has basically the same engine as 3 and you can play 2's maps in 3 now. Just get 3. But yeah it's good.

prefer watching cracked players break the game more than playing, but still has a pretty good map and mission selection

Loved this one too... But couldn't complete challenges. Need to replay. Had to reload to checkpoint all the time coz I would mess up so often lol😅

was expecting cool spy game, got a crappy movie game with sluggish controls and animations.

Too much fun. Big improvement in level design over the previous game, makes for a more consistent batch of locations. Obviously doesn't really do much to shake up the formula but it doesn't need to, they've got it down.

An upgrade on 2016 in every way.

Game A Lot Better Than First one But Still isn't entertaining

Hitman 2 is like the ultimate assassin puzzle box. The levels are massive sandboxes filled with opportunities to take out your targets, and replaying them over and over to find new, creative kills is so satisfying. Disguises, accidents, pure chaos – it really lets you live out that power fantasy. The story is kinda forgettable, and the voice acting is a bit stiff, but if you love stealth and experimentation, Hitman 2 is a must-play.

Played through World of Assassination

Pretty much the same story gameplay wise as the first game, so I'll mainly just be talking about the experience with the different levels, the Sniper Assassin mode and potentially some personal thoughts as I played through more of the series.

Before that I want to iterate again, this always online shit is awful, and so are the elusive targets, whoever came up with this shit is a moron.

Anyways, the levels were just not it this time around, there's only 3 levels that are at the very least "good" because you're thrown so many levels which you can't dream of experimenting with until you've been railroaded through the "Mission Stories" and typically are overstuffed with NPCs because they're crowded third world areas or whatever, it's just a fucking disaster.

There was one out of those crappy bunch that had an interesting gimmick of an unknown target you have to discover... which went up in smoke when I was doing one of the "Mission Stories" and after fucking up disposing of a KOed disguise target and guard, a random NPC spotted me, so I just got frustrated and shot him before I reloaded my save, but right before I did that I was told "Great work 47, you found the target!" which really ruined any fun that could have been.

Anyways, halfway through you're dealt probably my favorite level in the reboot trilogy so far "Another Life" (not to be confused with A New Life from Blood Money) which is much more what you'd expect from the Hitman series, taking place in an American suburb with JUUUUST the right amount of NPCs, and there being plenty of things to explore, as well as having a lot of fun things around, and creative opportunities for kills, great time, didn't do any "Mission Stories" in it and managed to find a lot of interesting stuff regardless.

The other 2 levels I enjoyed were the 2 from the DLCs, one was the bank which was similarly good, but just not quite as good and a little hard to get around without following a "Mission Story" and the resort level which was just... Ok, I liked the fact that it was pretty open yet not too populated and filled with enough bushes that it basically invites you to just throw caution to the wind and try getting quick kills off by just popping them and immediately ducking into cover, in fact you can kill the first target within seconds of starting.

Story was a lot better this time, as in there's actually a story to follow, with things that happen and have weight in what happens in the actual levels, but it's nothing amazing, just some cheap b-movie spy thriller.

I tried to shift up my gameplay by forcing myself to experiment a little and not forcing myself to EXCLUSIVELY kill targets, to not feel as pressured, and I feel like I got a much better grip on the gameplay loop because of it this time around, but flaws with the AI are becoming more and more apparent, I hope the next time they do a set of Hitman games they lower the scope so they can tighten up things like AI.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to mention Sniper Assassin!

It's okay, not really my thing, that's all.