Reviews from

in the past

Damn satisfying to play but Definitive Edition makes this game look like it has little content.

I guess I'm just not a Warriors series guy. I had heard of Dynasty Warriors for quite some time & never tried it, but when they released this (which I assume is essentially DW with a Zelda coat of paint), I decided to take the plunge. And I mean, it's alright. Fighting ridiculously huge hoards of enemies is really fun for, like... maybe 15-20 minutes? Played maybe a level & a half before deciding I had my fill. It's fine, but the fun of its core gameplay loop just doesn't last that long for me personally.

Loved playing multiplayer at 10 fps.

Super fun fan service game, if you like the entire series, this'll be an absolute treat. There's a wealth of content, too.

Finished before on Wii U and replayed a little on Switch. This musou was surprisingly fun to play, even if with the average level designs you can expect from these kind of games.