Reviews from

in the past

Remake is cool but the things story is bad

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I did enjoy this game a lot. The 100% requirements can be grueling. Leveling up Riku to 100 is so fucking daunting.

um completo lixo horrivel gameplay horrivel historia
0 vontade de continuar pós 15 horas de jogo
uma merda total

I hope Nomura burns in hell for this and this alone tbh

This game took pure determination to beat...and for some reason, I felt like playing it again on hard...and beat it. Just because I can. (Pro gaming, eh?) But for real, it plays like a card game. You have to know the rules and quickly decide your play because the enemy doesn't wait.

Kh Recom tem uma historia principal superior ao seu antecessor. Mas a gameplay é repetitiva e a narrativa dos mundos da Disney é basicamente a mesma do kh1.