Reviews from

in the past

Remake is cool but the things story is bad

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I did enjoy this game a lot. The 100% requirements can be grueling. Leveling up Riku to 100 is so fucking daunting.

um completo lixo horrivel gameplay horrivel historia
0 vontade de continuar pós 15 horas de jogo
uma merda total

Open youtube and type "Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories full movie" on the search bar

It was an interesting concept for kingdom hearts but not at all good. The whole taking back memories was just replaying all the Disney worlds but it's boring as hell. The battling is kind of nice but all the other gameplay was just opening doors. The card system is hard to master when you realize you have to have to line all your obtained cards nicely in order. Doing abilitys Is hard to do but the summons were nice enough. I ended up diching the game after finishing the first few worlds because i got my ass beat from the first main boss and realized I either have to grind the hell out or get good in order to handle the next one. Meh game

I will forever love this game for inspiring my crowning achievement of quarantine: the time I finally got every single card.

The combat and deck building remains as addictive as it was on the GBA, but the game still critically lacks extra bosses (any kind of boss rush, honestly) or a multiplayer mode to let the depth of it shine. It just wraps up too quickly before you can really have fun with it.

Definetly hold a spot for least favorite gameplay. The only reason it has a star for me is because the story is kinda interesting

Eu não vou jogar esse jogo de cartas de merda

Not giving this a rating since I only played for a few hours. This game's combat is just weirdly unsatisfying, mainly I find that getting card breaks feels not fun, and actively makes me not want to learn the gameplay, along with making this already convoluted and weird combat even weirder in how combat is paced, having odd bursts of using cards instead of just more flowy combat that I felt when I played KH1.
I love deckbuilding, and from my short time playing and making some decks, KH:ReCOM still hits that mark in making fun preperations and decks. In general, this game has interesting concepts, but it just hurts to play, albeit it might just be me unwilling to rewrite my muscle memory after playing KH1. I'll just watch cutscenes and move on to KH2, don't think I'll revisit this game.

This is a truly interesting game. I have not played a game like it before, but i think that might be for good reason. this game makes you care about too many things during a battle at once. and when it becomes easier for part 1 nothing you learned really matters you just stomp most fights. and part 2 fixes this by removing the most interesting park of the game, the deck building, and not even letting you edit the order of the cards. and part 2 is mercifully short but feels like an absolute slog for good parts of its 10 hour ish runtime. Like most KH titles the music, story and character design is all very good still, though a lot of the most fun storytelling happens in the 2nd part which is a little frustrating.

Se não fosse por ter legitimamente uma das historias mais interessantes da serie, estaria bem abaixo.

I hope Nomura burns in hell for this and this alone tbh

This game took pure determination to beat...and for some reason, I felt like playing it again on hard...and beat it. Just because I can. (Pro gaming, eh?) But for real, it plays like a card game. You have to know the rules and quickly decide your play because the enemy doesn't wait.

Kh Recom tem uma historia principal superior ao seu antecessor. Mas a gameplay é repetitiva e a narrativa dos mundos da Disney é basicamente a mesma do kh1.

It's a great game. The GBA is better by all means, but it's not as bad as you make it think. Just keep acquire moogle points, get good cards, level up for the occasion. Basically what I'm saying is: git gud.

Ta bom, boa tentativa em me fazer deixar de gostar de Kingdom Hearts, mas não foi dessa vez

Chain of Memories pra mim foi um susto, iniciei no jogo já sabendo do sistema de carta mas não sabia que ele ia ser tão chatinho de pegar o jeito, e isso me deixou um pouco chateado no início porque de fato eu não tava gostando do que o jogo tava me apresentando em questão de gameplay, só que com o tempo eu fui pegando afeto pela história, fui pegando o jeito que o jogo funciona e ai já viu né.. meu coração foi conquistado mais uma vez.

A história disso aqui cara é.. eu não consigo nem botar em palavras, ela vai ficando melhor cada vez que você joga, e quando você sente aquela vontade de dar uma pausa, acontece alguma coisa na história que te aguça a continuar jogando. E é claro que aqui tem os laços emocionais lindo de ver com os personagens, tem muita coisa que vai te fazer chorar também e tem os toques perfeito da franquia.

Eu recomendo DEMAIS jogarem Chain of Memories apesar de eu não ter gostado de sua gameplay, sua dificuldade contra os bosses é sim injusta e muitas das vezes irrita mais do que deveria, mas com o tempo você vai se adaptando e manjando mais da criação de deck, a única dica que posso te dar pra fazer sua gameplay ficar melhor nesse aqui é não achar que ele é um spam de ataque que nem é nos outros, nesse aqui tu tem que pensar e montar suas habilidades então jogue com cautela

Good game. Just played the gba version

This game is miserable to play. It ALMOST isn't worth anyone's time. However, the story is really good and I enjoy the characters and ideas. The second route brings this game up a bit since it's short, no card collecting nonsense, and a chance to see some favorites.

second worst remake of a video game ever, only behind resident evil 3 remake. story was cool

If you abuse the sleights this game becomes incredibly easy

unfortunately my patience for the game ran out on the final boss, i even grinded cards for a bit and still could not end the game with my current deck. i watched the ending on youtube, and overall i enjoyed the story, but man, it wasn't exciting playing on the same locations as the first game, and seeing same bosses. although all the new characters left me more than satisfied. solid game but i would not recommend it

This worked better on a console than an old handheld but still felt a bit stilted as a card game.


This game is a waste of time

devo ser o único que gosta do sistema de combate desse game

love the story but not a fan of the combat system