Reviews from

in the past

I played one circuit after not having played this game in a long time and even after just one circuit it felt like a slog

Probably the better version of this game considering you can play it on the go, but there's something about the first mario & sonic at the olympic game that lacks identity and reason to play it over the later games. Yes, there are missions and an extras gallery about the history about the olympic games along with some minigames, but other than that it feels like there should have been more wackiness or something else to give this game more identity and reason to play above the others

I thought this game was for kids holy fuck why is it so HARD

É... Minha memória afetiva sobre esse aqui me enganou um pouco. Definitivamente não é um dos melhores jogos de olimpíada dos mascotes, mas cumpre sua proposta.

As modalidades são bem variadas, mas o uso da Stylus chega encher um pouco a paciência. É tudo muito simplório.

Faltou um modo história, apesar de ter umas copas lá para ganhar/cumprir (que são INSANAMENTE difíceis).