Reviews from

in the past

I really don't like this one. It feels slow and clunky. Zero feels basically useless. X is a win button, especially once I got the Glide armor. All the special weapons feel useless. Axl feels outclassed and like a filler character. His hover is very unintuitive to control. Two characters at once is pretty cool. The stages are pretty boring. The music is whatever. The story is also pretty boring. I don't know what else to say. I really don't like it.

this game sucks my doggy dick or something idk im not the avgn

You know, I was planning on making a long review for each of these Mega Man X games I’m playing, but I don’t have it in me for this one. It’s Mega Man X7, what else do I need to add that hasn’t already been talked about a million times. Boring gameplay where auto lock on ruins all the challenge previous games had, a lame story, bad characterization for X, 3D gameplay that makes fighting enemies pointless, slow and lethargic menus and cutscenes, Alia is still a nuisance, ugly looking graphics, terrible stages, obnoxious bosses, and, to top it all off, the worst final stages of any Mega Man game (at least from the ones I’ve played): Palace Road and Crimson Palace. This game is worse than X6, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

If I had to give this game some positives … I mean it’s slightly better than Devil May Cry 2, because at least this game introduced Axl, has a pretty good soundtrack, and I can get a little ironic enjoyment out of some cutscenes. Overall though, yeah one of the worst games I’ve ever played. X8 better be miles better than this pile of crap or else I will quit being a Mega Man fan. /j

Eu... Eu nunca fui feliz, em toda minha vida........

Holy FUCK. The Mega Man X fans weren't exaggerating about this one: Mega Man X7 is, without a shadow of a doubt, a steaming pile of shit. The fact that a reputable developer like Capcom released this game in the state that it was is nothing short of mind boggling, especially considering the high bar that was set by the first MMX entry a decade prior.

With the entire Internet in unanimous agreement, I had every reason to believe the game was garbage, even before eventually trying it myself. After years of putting it off, I finally booted up the Switch version of Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2, but the controls were so abysmal I couldn't even manage to finish the prologue by the time I ran out of lives. Every step of the way was appallingly bad, with mindless button mashing, enemies spawning right on top of me, and of course, the lock-on target beeping driving me insane. When I game over'd during the first section with Zero, I expected to be greeted with a prompt to continue or quit, but instead, I was sent right back to the title screen. I know a bad omen when I see one; simply put, Mega Man X7 is not a game that anyone, and I mean anyone, should ever have to endure.

ну типа круто блять сделали наихудший кусок говна на планете, заебись

I got this for free yet I still felt ripped off.

My actual thoughts while playing X7 for the first time:

"Oh, this isn't so bad. The lock-on's annoying and the graphical style is painful to look at, but there are some neat concepts at play here. This could actually be fun."

(Game Enters 3D)


to write a thoughtful review of this game would be to put more effort than what went into developing it.