Reviews from

in the past

I can definitely see the appeal here, but mechanically I liked 2 and 3 a lot better. While there's more going on here compared to those games, the simpler gameplay ironically felt a lot more polished since it was always clearer what my actions would do. It's hard to explain.

The Tanker mission equivalent for MGSV. It's an awesome way to start the game and is a classic Metal Gear experience, but it can't be fully appreciated until you play through the main game and understand the controls. However it's still a great setpiece with very smooth controls, an amazing opening sequence, and an intriguing story that I was surprised to take place straight after Peace Walker as I assumed they'd not give much attention to a PSP game, but I was glad to know that playing it at least had some benefits.

An incredible sample of MGSV's gameplay with one of the best designed maps I've ever seen in a game. The side missions are all great with a lot of variety and multiple ways to approach them. I wish The Phantom Pain had side missions of the same quality as this game's.

Por mais que seja apenas um prólogo para o The Panthom Pain, eu curti bastante, só uma missão é de história e as outras por mais que simples são bem divertidas, tem até uma missão em que você resgata o Kojima!
Porém a que eu mais curti foi a missão "Déjà-vu", que disponibiliza uma skin com os gráficos do PS1 para o Snake, e tem várias referências ao MGS de 98, simplesmente maravilhoso!
Agora falando da história, é um bom prólogo, que após ouvir todas as tapes deixa a história bem mais pesada e triste pra caralho.

For a prologue to the Phantom Pain and sequel to peace walker, It carrys on the story of Big Boss exceptionally well, this is one of the darkest games in the metal gear series and it is HARSH.

The biggest issue is its length, it is a short game if you don't plan on doing all the bonus objectives and side missions, and the story is only really in the tapes and main mission. This has faded with time, the game practically being bundled with Phantom Pain and generally being far cheaper now than at launch. For a vertical slice of Phantom Pain, it does it's job wonderfully, this gameplay is clean as hell. Also, still looks absolutely stunning, visually the cutscenes are immaculate and in gameplay the base is wonderfully realised, lots of small details scattered around with multiple routes through the mission.

While this is a glorified tech demo/prolouge, it is damn good and I'm glad now we're not in the launch window with it's absolutely absurd original pricetag, this can be admired for the quality it is.

They really did play us like a damn fiddle.

Cool little gameplay demo that sets up the stakes for MGSV, but there's not too much to be said other than that, honestly.

A nice little gameplay demo for MGS V.

This game rocks! Great little prologue to MGSV and one of the best single level designs I've ever seen in Camp Omega.